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123 | II Série A - Número: 152S1 | 10 de Setembro de 2008

4. If the headquarters of the Organization is moved to another country, the member in question shall, as soon as possible, conclude with the Organization a headquarters agreement to be approved by the Council. Pending the conclusion of such an Agreement, the Organization shall request the new host Government to grant, within the limits of its national legislation, exemption from taxation on remuneration paid by the Organization to its employees, and on the assets, income and other property of the Organization.

5. The Headquarters Agreement shall be independent of this Agreement. It shall, however, terminate:
(a) By agreement between the host Government and the Organization;
(b) In the event of the headquarters of the Organization being moved from the country of the host Government; or (c) In the event of the Organization ceasing to exist.



1. There shall be established:
(a) The Administrative Account, which is an assessed contribution account;
(b) The Special Account and The Bali Partnership Fund, which are voluntary contribution accounts; and
(c) Other accounts that the Council might consider appropriate and necessary.

2. The Council shall establish, in accordance with article 7, financial rules that provide transparent management and administration of the accounts, including rules covering the settlement of accounts on termination or expiry of this Agreement.

3. The Executive Director shall be responsible for, and report to the Council on the administration of the financial accounts.