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121 | II Série A - Número: 152S1 | 10 de Setembro de 2008

of each category referred to in article 4, provided that such members hold a majority of the total votes in their respective categories. 3. Representation in accordance with article 11, paragraph 2, shall be considered as presence. Article 14 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND STAFF

1. The Council shall, by special vote in accordance with article 12, appoint the Executive Director.

2. The terms and conditions of appointment of the Executive Director shall be determined by the Council. 3. The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Organization and shall be responsible to the Council for the administration and operation of this Agreement in accordance with decisions of the Council. 4. The Executive Director shall appoint staff in accordance with regulations to be established by the Council. The staff shall be responsible to the Executive Director.

5. Neither the Executive Director nor any member of the staff shall have any financial interest in the timber industry or trade, or associated commercial activities. 6. In the performance of their duties, the Executive Director and staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any member or from any authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action which might reflect adversely on their positions as international officials ultimately responsible to the Council. Each member shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Executive Director and staff and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities. Article 15 COOPERATION AND COORDINATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS

1. In pursuing the objectives of the Agreement, the Council shall make arrangements as appropriate for consultations and cooperation with the United Nations and its organs and specialized agencies, including the United Nations