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174 | II Série A - Número: 007S2 | 2 de Outubro de 2008

Requesting State, if the person concerned has been subject to penal prosecution in the Requested State.

Article 17 Exchange of Information on Law

The Contracting States shall, upon request, furnish each other with the laws in force or the laws used to be in force and information on judicial practice in their respective countries.

Article 18 Expenses

1. The Requested State shall meet the cost for executing the request, but the Requesting State shall bear the following:

(a) expenses for persons to travel to, stay in and leave from the Requested State under Article 8 (4); (b) allowances or expenses for persons to travel to, stay in and leave from the Requesting State under Articles 9 or 10 in accordance with the standards or regulations of the place where such allowances or expenses have been incurred; and (c) expenses and fees of experts.

2. The Requesting State shall, upon request, pay in advance the expenses, allowances and fees it shall bear.
3. If it becomes apparent that the execution of a request requires expenses of an extraordinary nature, the Contracting States shall consult to determine the terms and conditions under which the request can be executed.

Article 19 Other Basis for Cooperation

This Agreement shall not prevent either Contracting State from providing assistance to the other Contracting State according to other applicable international agreements or its national laws. The Contracting States may also provide assistance in accordance with any other arrangement, agreement, or practice which may be applicable.

Article 20 Settlement of Disputes

Any dispute arising out of the interpretation and application of this Agreement shall be resolved through consultation.

Article 21 Temporal application

This Agreement applies to any requests presented after its entry into force even if the relevant acts or omissions occurred before that date.

Article 22 Entry into Force, Amendment and Termination

1. This Agreement shall enter into force thirty days after the date of receipt of the later notification in writing and through the diplomatic channel, conveying the fulfilment of their respective constitutional or legal formalities for the entry into force of the Agreement.
2. This Agreement may be amended at any time by written agreement between the Contracting States.
3. Either Contracting State may terminate this Agreement at any time by notice in writing to the other Contracting State through diplomatic channels. Termination shall take effect on the one hundred and eightieth day