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5 | II Série A - Número: 126S1 | 30 de Maio de 2009

are chargeable, the State Party will, whenever possible, make appropriate administrative arrangements for the remission or return of the amount of duty or tax.


1. For its official communications the OPCW shall enjoy, in the territory of the State Party and as far as may be compatible with any international conventions, regulations and arrangements to which the State Party adheres, treatment not less favourable than that accorded by the Government of the State Party to any other Government, including the latter's diplomatic mission, in the matter of priorities, rates and taxes for post and telecommunications, and press rates for information to the media.
2. No censorship shall be applied to the official correspondence and other official communications of the OPCW.
The OPCW shall have the right to use codes and to dispatch and receive correspondence and other official communications by courier or in sealed bags, which shall have the same privileges and immunities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to preclude the adoption of appropriate security precautions to be determined by agreement between the State Party and the OPCW.
3. The State Party recognises the right of the OPCW to publish and broadcast freely within the territory of the State Party for purposes specified in the Convention. 4. All official communications directed to the OPCW and all outward official communications of the OPCW, by whatever means or whatever form transmitted, shall be inviolable. Such inviolability shall extend, without limitation by reason of this enumeration, to publications, still and moving pictures, videos, films, sound recordings and software.


1. Representatives of States Parties, together with alternates, advisers, technical experts and secretaries of their delegations, at meetings convened by the OPCW, shall, without prejudice to any other privileges and immunities which they may enjoy, while exercising their functions and during their journeys to and from the place of the meeting, enjoy the following privileges and immunities:

(a) immunity from personal arrest or detention; (b) immunity from legal process of any kind in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them, in their official capacity; such immunity shall continue to be accorded, notwithstanding that the persons concerned may no longer be engaged in the performance of such functions; (c) inviolability for all papers, documents and official material; (d) the right to use codes and to dispatch or receive papers, correspondence or official material by courier or in sealed bags; (e) exemption in respect of themselves and their spouses from immigration restrictions, alien registration or national service obligations while they are visiting or passing through the State Party in the exercise of their functions; (f) the same facilities with respect to currency or exchange restrictions as are accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official missions; (g) the same immunities and facilities in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to members of comparable rank of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations.

2. Where the incidence of any form of taxation depends upon residence, periods during which the persons designated in paragraph 1 of this Article may be present in the territory of the State Party for the discharge of their duties shall not be considered as periods of residence.