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37 | II Série A - Número: 125S1 | 22 de Fevereiro de 2012


Article 1

For the purposes of this Convention, the term “woman” applies to any female person without discrimination whatsoever and the term “child” applies to any child without discrimination whatsoever. Article 2

1. This Convention applies to all employed women, including those in atypical forms of dependent work. 2. However, each Member which ratifies this Convention may, after consulting the representative organizations of employers and workers concerned, exclude wholly or partly from the scope of the Convention limited categories of workers when its application to them would raise special problems of a substantial nature. 3. Each Member which avails itself of the possibility afforded in the preceding paragraph shall, in its first report on the application of the Convention under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization, list the categories of workers thus excluded and the reasons for their exclusion. In its subsequent reports, the Member shall describe the measures taken with a view to progressively extending the provisions of the Convention to these categories. HEALTH PROTECTION

Article 3

Each Member shall, after consulting the representative organizations of employers and workers, adopt appropriate measures to ensure that pregnant or breastfeeding women are not obliged to perform work which has been determined by the competent authority to be prejudicial to the health of the mother or the child, or where an assessment has established a significant risk to the mother's health or that of her child.