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44 | II Série A - Número: 023S1 | 27 de Outubro de 2014

ARTICLE 19 Panels

(1) The allocation of judges and the assignment of cases within a division to its panels shall be governed by the Rules of Procedure. One judge of the panel shall be designated as the presiding judge, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
(2) The panel may delegate, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, certain functions to one or more of its judges.
(3) A standing judge for each division to hear urgent cases may be designated in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
(4) In cases where a single judge in accordance with Article 8(7) of the Agreement, or a standing judge, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, hears a case that judge shall carry out all functions of a panel.
(5) One judge of the panel shall act as Rapporteur, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.

ARTICLE 20 Pool of Judges

(1) A list with the names of the judges included in the Pool of Judges shall be drawn up by the Registrar. In relation to each judge, the list shall at least indicate the linguistic skills, the field of technology and experience of, as well as the cases previously handled by, that judge.
(2) A request addressed to the President of the Court of First Instance to assign a judge from the Pool of Judges shall indicate, in particular, the subject matter of the case, the official language of the European Patent Office used by the judges of the panel, the language of the proceedings and the field of technology required.


ARTICLE 21 Panels

(1) The allocation of judges and the assignment of cases to panels shall be governed by the Rules of Procedure. One judge of the panel shall be appointed as the presiding judge, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
(2) When a case is of exceptional importance, and in particular when the decision may affect the unity and consistency of the case law of the Court, the Court of Appeal may decide, on the basis of a proposal from the presiding judge, to refer the case to the full Court.
(3) The panel may delegate, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, certain functions to one or more of its judges.
(4) One judge of the panel shall act as Rapporteur, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.


ARTICLE 22 Appointment and removal from office of the Registrar

(1) The Presidium shall appoint the Registrar of the Court for a term of six years. The Registrar may be reappointed.
(2) Two weeks before the date fixed for appointing the Registrar, the President of the Court of Appeal shall inform the Presidium of the applications which have been submitted for the post.
(3) Before taking up his or her duties, the Registrar shall take oath before the Presidium to perform the duties of the Registrar impartially and conscientiously.