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Visto e aprovado em Conselho de Ministros de 6 de setembro de 2018.

O Primeiro-Ministro, António Luís Santos da Costa — O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Augusto Ernesto

Santos Silva — O Secretário de Estado dos Assuntos Parlamentares, Pedro Nuno de Oliveira Santos.




The second paragraph of the Preamble is replaced by the following text:

CONSIDERING ALSO the relevant provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in

the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, concluded on 27

January 1967, and in particular Article 1, which states that outer space shall be used for the benefit and in the

interests of all countries,

The fourth and fifth paragraphs of the Preamble are replaced by the following text:

BEARING IN MIND that the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) has, in accordance

with its original purpose, established a global mobile satellite communications system for maritime

communications, including distress and safety communications capabilities which are specified in the

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended from time to time, and the Radio

Regulations specified in the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, as

amended from time to time, as meeting certain radiocommunications requirements of the Global Maritime

Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),

RECALLING that INMARSAT has extended its original purpose by providing aeronautical and land mobile

satellite communications, including aeronautical satellite communications for air traffic management and aircraft

operational control (aeronautical safety services), and is also providing radiodetermination services,

The sixth, seventh and eighth paragraphs of the Preamble are deleted.

The following new text is added as the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth paragraphs of the


RECALLING FURTHER that in December 1994 the Assembly decided to replace the name "International

Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT)" with "International Mobile Satellite Organization (Inmarsat)”, and

that, although these amendments did not enter formally into force, the name International Mobile Satellite

Organization (Inmarsat) was used thereafter, including in the restructuring documentation,

RECOGNIZING that, in the restructuring of the International Mobile Satellite Organization, its assets,

commercial operations and interests were transferred without restriction to a new commercial company, Inmarsat

Ltd., while the continued provision of the GMDSS and adherence to the other public interests by the company

have been 2 secured by a mechanism for intergovernmental oversight by the International Mobile Satellite

Organization (IMSO),

ACKNOWLEDGING that, by adopting IMO Assembly Resolution A.888(21), “Criteria for the Provision of

Mobile-Satellite Communication Systems in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),” the

International Maritime Organization (IMO) has recognized the need for IMO to have in place criteria against which

to evaluate the capabilities and performance of mobile satellite communication systems, as may be notified to

IMO by Governments for possible recognition for use in the GMDSS,

ACKNOWLEDGING FURTHER that IMO has developed a “Procedure for the Evaluation and Possible

Recognition of Mobile-Satellite Systems Notified for Use in the GMDSS”,