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(g) to consider and review the purposes, general policy and long term objectives of the Organization in the

performance of the Organization’s role as LRIT Co-ordinator, and to take appropriate steps necessary to

ensure that the Organization performs its role as LRIT Co-ordinator;

(h) to take any steps or procedures necessary in the negotiation and execution of LRIT Services Agreements

and/or contracts, including approval of the conclusion, modification and termination of such Agreements

and/or contracts; and

sub-paragraph (f) is re-numbered sub-paragraph (i)

Article 9 – Secretariat – is renumbered Article 12 and is replaced by the following title and text:

Article 12


(1) The term of appointment of the Director General shall be for four years or such other term as the Assembly


(2) The Director General shall serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms, unless the Assembly decides


(3) The Director General shall be the legal representative of the Organization and Chief Executive Officer of

the Directorate, and shall be responsible to and under the direction of the Assembly.

(4) The Director General shall, subject to the guidance and instructions of the Assembly, determine the

structure, staff levels and standard terms of employment of officials and employees, and consultants and other

advisers to the Directorate, and shall appoint the personnel of the Directorate.

(5) The paramount consideration in the appointment of the Director General and other personnel of the

Directorate shall be the necessity of ensuring the highest standards of integrity, competency and efficiency.

(6) The Organization shall conclude, with any Party in whose territory the Organization establishes the

Directorate, an agreement, to be approved by the Assembly, relating to any facilities, privileges and immunities

of the Organization, its Director General, other officers, and representatives of Parties whilst in the territory of the

host Government, for the purpose of exercising their functions. The agreement shall terminate if the Directorate

is moved from the territory of the host Government.

(7) All Parties, other than a Party which has concluded an agreement referred to in paragraph (6), shall

conclude a Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the Organization, its Director General, its staff, of experts

performing missions for the Organization and representatives of Parties whilst in the territory of Parties for the

purposes of exercising their functions. The Protocol shall be independent of this Convention and shall prescribe

the conditions for its termination.

Article 10 – Costs – is renumbered Article 13 and is replaced by the following text:

Article 13


(1) The Organization shall keep separate accounts of costs incurred for GMDSS oversight and LRIT Co-

ordinator services. The Organization shall, in the Public Services Agreements, and in the LRIT Services

Agreements and/or contracts, as appropriate, arrange for the costs associated with the following to be paid by

the Providers and by entities with which the Organization has entered into LRIT Services Agreements and/or


(a) the operation of the Directorate;

(b) the holding of Assembly sessions and meetings of its subsidiary bodies;

(c) the implementation of measures taken by the Organization in accordance with Article 5 to ensure that the

Provider carries out its obligation of providing maritime mobile satellite communications services for the

GMDSS; and