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- 6 - A/130/2-P.2 ANNEX III

(8) Also considering the UN Security Council resolutions condemning terrorism, especially resolutions 1368 (2001), 1438 (2002), 1440 (2002), 1450 (2002), 1452 (2002), 1455 (2003) and 1456 (2003), adopted during the Meeting of Foreign Ministers, and resolutions 1516 (2003), 1989 (2011), 2082 (2012), 2083 (2012) and others, especially those adopted under Chapter VIl of the UN Charter, all of which affirm that terrorism in all its forms and aspects, represents one of the greatest threats to international peace and security, that each terrorist act is an unjustifiable criminal act irrespective of its motivations, that terrorism leads to crimes against humanity and war crimes against which the international community must take a firm stance, take all the necessary and appropriate steps to suppress terrorist acts and prosecute those who commit them, finance them, provide safe haven to perpetrators and facilitate this type of act, as well as those who incite others to commit such acts or do not take the necessary steps to suppress these crimes and bring those who commit them to justice, (9) Reaffirming UN Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), that condemns all terrorist acts which are considered the most dangerous and threaten international peace and security on the one hand, and repudiates the justification or glorification of terrorist acts on the other; and calling on all States to take all the necessary steps to ban incitement to terrorist acts, extremism and intolerance,

(10)Expressing its deep concern for the ability to extend this scourge of terrorism into other safe States given the emergence of new terrorist groups such as AI-Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant,

(11) Drawing inspiration from the Universal Declaration on Democracy, adopted by the 98th lnter-Parliamentary Conference (Cairo, September 1997), which affirms that each State has the sovereign right, freely to choose and develop, in accordance with the will of its people, its own political, social, economic and cultural systems, without interference by other States, in strict conformity with the United Nations Charter, and affirming the provisions of point 12 of the Declaration: the key element in the exercise of democracy is the holding of free and fair elections at regular intervals enabling the people's will to be expressed; such elections must be held on the basis of universal suffrage and secret ballot so that all voters can choose their representatives,

(12) Also drawing inspiration from the resolution adopted by the 110th IPU Assembly on Promoting international reconciliation, helping to bring stability to regions of conflict, and assisting with post-conflict reconstruction, which affirms that parliament is the institution par excellence that embodies the diverse attributes and opinions of society and reflects and channels this diversity in the political process, and that its mission is to defuse tensions and maintain a balance between rival aspirations of diversity and uniformity, and the individual and the collective, with the aim of strengthening social cohesion and solidarity,

1. Clearly distinguishes between the legitimate demands of the Syrian people and their

aspirations to political, economic and social reform on the one hand and the terrorist acts perpetrated by armed extremist groups branding others as atheists on the other, many of whom belong to AI-Qaida, especially AI-Nusra Front, lslamic Front, the lslamic State of Iraq and the Levant and others;

2. Condemns in the strongest terms all suicide attacks targeting civilians irrespective of

their political, social or religious affiliation; 3. Also condemns in the strongest terms the destruction of State infrastructure, the

pillage of over 1,500 factories in the town of Aleppo, the transfer of machinery and products to Turkey and the complicity of the Turkish Government, targeting power stations, steeling seeds, silos and oil wells; destroying hospitals, health sector infrastructure, schools and public and private properties;

4. Distinguishes between opposition Syrian citizens and elements of terrorist groups,

most of whom are foreigners, estimated at tens of thousands, who were brought to Syria from different countries;

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