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- 4 - A/130/2-P.3 ANNEX III Original: French



Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of MOROCCO

The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, (1) Expressing its grave concern over the security situation in the Central African Republic, which continues to deteriorate, as characterized by a breakdown in public order, a decline in the rule of law and a rise in interreligious and intercommunity tensions,

(2) Remaining deeply concerned about the proliferation and intensification of violations of international humanitarian law and widespread human rights violations and abuses – including extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detention, acts of torture, sexual violence against women and children, and the recruitment and use of children – that have been committed both by former elements of Séléka and by militia groups, in particular those referred to as “anti-balaka” and “the Lord’s Resistance Army”,

(3) Reaffirming that some of these acts may constitute crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, to which the Central African Republic is a party, and that the perpetrators must be held accountable, (4) Considering the risk that interreligious and intercommunity tensions in the country might degenerate into religious and ethnic conflict on a nationwide scale and imperil national unity and territorial integrity, with potentially grave repercussions throughout the Central African region, (5) Underscoring that the alarming situation in this country threatens to create a climate conducive to transnational criminal activity, including arms trafficking and the illicit exploitation of natural resources, (6) Considering that the situation in the Central African Republic constitutes a threat to international peace and security, (7) Recalling resolution 2134 (2014), adopted by the United Nations Security Council at its 7103rd session, held on 28 January 2014,

1. Affirms its support for the Libreville Agreement of 11 January 2013, for the N’Djamena Declaration of 18 April 2013, and for the Brazzaville Appeal of 3 May 2013 and for the Declaration on the Central African Republic, adopted by the International Contact Group at its third meeting, held in Bangui on 8 November 2013;

2. Strongly condemns the continuing violations of international humanitarian law and the

widespread human rights abuses and violations perpetrated by armed groups in the Central African Republic, and in particular by former elements of Séléka, as well as forces referred to as “anti-balaka” and “the Lord’s Resistance Army”, which imperil the population; and underscores that the perpetrators must be held accountable for their acts;

3. Also condemns the escalation of interreligious and intercommunity violence in the

Central African Republic and demands that the protagonists immediately halt all acts of violence, whatever their motivation, and in particular those grounded in religion or ethnicity;

4. Further demands that all parties to the conflict facilitate safe and free access for

humanitarian organizations and their personnel, without delay, to areas where populations are in need so that they may swiftly provide the necessary humanitarian assistance in accordance with United Nations guiding principles on humanitarian emergency assistance;

24 DE MAIO DE 2014________________________________________________________________________________________________________