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Also noting its strong support for the work of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive

Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization and its monitoring system,

Further noting the partial contribution made by unilateral and bilateral disarmament initiatives,

reaffirming the continued importance and relevance of multilateral frameworks and action, and

underlining the urgent need for progress,

Noting the United Nations Secretary-General’s five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament and his

address on nuclear disarmament, of the opening Public Plenary of the Conference on Disarmament,

held on 21 January 2014,

Also notingthe New START Treaty and efforts made by the Russian Federation and the United States

of America to implement it,

Affirming the key role of the Conference on Disarmament in the negotiation of multilateral

agreements to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world,

Acknowledging the significant contribution made by a number of countries to realizing the objective

of nuclear disarmament by establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones and voluntarily renouncing

nuclear weapon programmes or withdrawing all nuclear weapons from their territories,

Affirming that all States must ensure unconditional respect for such nuclear-weapon-free zones,

Welcoming the first ever High-Level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Nuclear

Disarmament, held on 26 September 2013,

Encouraged by the emergence of other multilateral initiatives, including the United Nations General

Assembly’s decision to establish a group of governmental experts to begin discussion of possible

elements of a fissile material cut-off treaty and to set up the United Nations Open-ended Working

Group to develop proposals to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations,

Welcoming the Geneva interim agreement of 24 November 2013 between the Islamic Republic of

Iran, on the one hand, and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and

Germany, on the other, which paves the way for the gradual lifting of economic sanctions against

the Islamic Republic in exchange for an in-depth review of its nuclear programme; inviting all the

parties to the agreement to apply all its provisions faithfully and speedily,

Determined to work with governments and civil society to generate and mobilize the political will

needed to achieve a world without nuclear weapons,

1. Calls on all Member Parliaments and parliamentarians to promote nuclear disarmament and

non-proliferation as objectives of the highest priority and urgency;

2. Encourages parliamentarians to engage in dialogue and to build multiparty networks and

coalitions at all levels in the pursuit of nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation;

3. Appeals to parliamentarians to educate citizens and raise awareness about the continuing

dangers of nuclear weapons and the need for and benefits of their total elimination;

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