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to reduce the risk, to the population and the economy, of disasters in the long run, as more

engagement is needed to keep development policies and practices coherent and aligned

with those for disaster risk reduction, environmental protection and adaptation to climate


5. Also appeals to all governments to improve and enhance their mechanisms for disaster risk

reduction and ensure that development policy and strategies build the disaster risk

resilience of their people and the economy by drawing up a map of at-risk areas by nature of

risk, by putting in place early warning systems and guaranteeing construction safety, and by

improving legislation, institutional frameworks, policy and accountability and increasing

budgetary allocations for disaster-resilient development, with due regard for the specific

needs of women and particular attention to those of people with disabilities;

6. Urges parliaments and governments to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women

when it comes to land and livestock ownership and to facilitate women’s access to credit as

means of strengthening women’s resilience;

7. Calls on governments and parliaments to integrate gender and age perspectives into the

design and implementation of all phases of risk management;

8. Encourages governments and parliaments to evaluate risk and build resiliency to disasters by

investing in shock-resistant infrastructure and inclusive social protection systems,

particularly for vulnerable and at-risk communities;

9. Calls on governments and parliaments to advance food security and to promote sustainable

agricultural development, with a particular emphasis on strategies that prioritize the needs

and circumstances of rural communities, as key components of resilient communities;

10. Urges governments and parliaments to invest in early warning systems and to ensure that

those systems are integrated into their disaster risk reduction strategies, relevant

governmental policy and decision-making processes, and emergency management systems;

11. Urges the United Nations system and other international and intergovernmental

organizations to promote the building of resiliency to disasters and shocks as a fundamental

aspect of development, to ensure that resiliency and risk assessments are integrated into

international efforts targeting poverty reduction and sustainable development, and to be a

role model for improved governance for disaster risk reduction by advocating the key

principles thereof and acting transparently and with accountability for the consequences of

decisions on country-level programmes and investment;

12. Also urges the United Nations system to provide special support to developing countries so

that the findings of relevant reports can be implemented and solutions found to facilitate

the financing of mitigation works in those countries;

24 DE MAIO DE 2014________________________________________________________________________________________________________