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13. Urges governments to integrate factors of population growth, family planning and

demographic dynamics into policy measures for sustainable development, which should also

promote resilience to disasters and to climate change;

14. Calls on parliaments to work, at national, regional and international level, for the inclusion of

a reproductive health indicator as part of the post-2015 development goals in the areas of

health, equity and women’s empowerment, to promote a rights-based approach to

reproductive health and to take appropriate measures, through legislation and budget

allocations, to provide universal access to voluntary family planning services;

15. Urges governments to participate actively in the ongoing consultations on the post-2015

development agenda and the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction in order to

gain information, knowledge and technical support for the development of a national post-

2015 disaster risk-resilient development agenda, as the post-2015 development agenda and

framework are both indissociable from the promotion of sustainable and risk-resilient

poverty reduction and development;

16. Also urges governments and the United Nations system to ensure that the post-2015

development agenda and framework for disaster risk reduction are mutually reinforcing;

17. Calls on all parliaments to support government efforts to develop disaster-resilient

development policies and strategies that give serious consideration to disaster risk

assessment, including population factors, at the planning and programme stages, as

development without disaster resilience is not sustainable;

18. Calls on governments, when they develop disaster risk reduction legislation, policies and

plans, to take into consideration the specific role of women, in particular women holding

office in local government and councils and women in grassroots organizations, in risk

reduction, planning, relocation, housing and infrastructure development efforts;

19. Reiterates that reducing disaster risk and protecting people’s lives are the legal responsibility

of all elected representatives, and thus encourages all parliaments to develop a national

forum for legislators on disaster risk reduction and risk-resilient development;

20. Calls for the involvement, together with governments and parliaments, of civil society, the

private sector and the scientific community, with a view to reducing disaster risks and

promoting measures to fight problems arising from climate change;

21. Calls on parliaments to scrutinize government policy and actions with regard to disaster risk

reduction, climate change and sustainable development, and to use all available

instruments, including legislation and in particular environmental and public policy impact

studies, to ensure that disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures are

integrated into national planning and budgeting processes;

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