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Dear Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The entry into force of the Istanbul Convention marks a milestone for the protection of human rights. But as

you have understood from my presentation, it would be simplistic to regard it only as a legal instrument,

however unique and innovative!

The Istanbul Convention promotes a vision of society. It is a project for the society we want, in which

violence against women is no longer justified, forgiven, or minimised. Violence against women is prevented,

combated, punished and ultimately refused by all, women and men equally.

The entry into force of the Istanbul Convention calls us all to go beyond the words, and take immediate and

tangible actions to ensure that its vision becomes a reality. Not in the future. But NOW.

A relationship without freedon, is like to be arrested at home, with or without electronic purse. A country

where so many citizens do not enjoy freely their rights, has a serious democratic deficit. Cannot be considered

a full democracy, but perhaps a half-democracy!

It is on behalf of those women that had not the right to speak, on behalf of those women and their children,

sons and daughters, humiliated and offended on every forgiven black mark, on every open scarr, on every

broken bone, on every stolen minute of their lives, that we are here, today, availabe to this combat, and break

loudly the SILENCE in pieces, at the central square of our indignation!