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And maybe some more.

I believe that giving men the right to buy a woman, is the same as giving pimps the right to sell them.

A majority of our society, was not be able yet to overpass the “clichés” era about prostitution:

- “Women can control their sexual urges. Men don’t!”. Why?

- “No prostitution means more rapes”. What a lie.

- “Prostitution is a necessary evil”. Killing is also a necessary evil?

- “Prostitution is better than other things.” That does not makes it good.

- “Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world.” No, prostitution is the oldest oppression against

women in the world!

Given all what I have been describing, can we talk about prostitution as a “free choice”? How much more

time will society keep its eyes closed to the new form of slavery just next door?

For me, is time to say: no more slavery! No more!

Annex to Mr. Mendes Bota speech

Programme of the visit to Sweden, 21-22 May 2013

Tuesday 21 May

08.15-09.15 Meeting with Ms Marie Johansson, employee at the Social Services of the Municipality of

Stockholm working with KAST (“Buyers of Sexual Services”).

09.30-10.30 Meeting with Ms Anna Skarhed, Chancellor of Justice and main author of the Swedish

Government Official Report on “Prohibition on the purchase of sexual services — an evaluation 1999-2008”

and Ms Magdalena Wikstrand Danelius, Legal Advisor, Division for Criminal Law at the Ministry of Justice.

10.45-11.45 Meeting with Ms Ruth Nordström, President of Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers.

12.00-13.00 Lunch with Members in the Swedish Delegation to PACE Ms Marietta de Pourbaix-Lundin

(EPP/CD), Mr Jonas Gunnarsson (SOC), Mr Lennart Axelsson (SOC), Ms Tina Acketoft (ALDE), Ms Carina

Ohlsson (SOC).

13.00-13.30 Meeting with Mr Morgan Johansson (Social Democratic Party), Chairman of the Committee on

Justice and Mr Johan Linander (Centre Party) Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Justice.

13.45-14.45 Meeting with Ms Petra Östergren, PhD-student at Lund University in Social Anthropology,

studying the Swedish Sex Purchase Act.

14.45-15.45 Meeting with MS Pye Jacobsen, founding member and President of Rose Alliance.

Wednesday 22 May

09.30-10.30 Meeting with Ms Kajsa Wahlberg, Sweden’s National Rapporteur on Trafficking and detective

inspector at the Department for Police Affairs of the National Police Board, Mr Simon Häggström, police officer

working on the field with trafficking and Mr Patrik Cederlöf, National coordinator against prostitution/trafficking

at the County Administrative Board of Stockholm.

10.45-11.45 Meeting with Ms Ulrika Westerlund, Chairman of the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL).