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15th Inter-Parliamentary Conferencefor the Common Foreign and Security Policy

and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP/CSDP)Helsinki, 4-6 September 2019

Final statement by the co-presidency

Preliminary remarksThe 15th Inter-parliamentary Conference (IPC) for the CFSP/CSDP was held in Helsinki on 4 - 6September 2019. It was attended by parliamentarians from the EU Member States and the EuropeanParliament. Also taking part were parliamentarians from EU candidate countries, and countries at-tended as guests. This final statement reflects the issues discussed among the participants.

We, the co-chairs of the 15th IPC:

· Believe that at the outset of a new European political cycle, a step change is needed in the EU’sforeign and security policy. The EU needs to take on a global leadership role and actively defendand promote our common values and interests in the world. At a time when others are increasinglychallenging the rules-based global order, we Europeans must defend multilateralism, internationallaw, democracy and human rights. In order to do so, the EU must use its existing instrumentsmore effectively, act in a more unified way, improve its decision-making processes and strengthenour common defence.

· Welcome, in this regard, the ambitious guidelines proposed by the President-elect of the EuropeanCommission, Ursula von der Leyen. In particular, we support the proposals to improve the deci-sion-making in Common Foreign and Security Policy by using fully the existing Treaty provi-sions. In addition, we support the proposal to increase external action funding in the new multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027. We call on the President-elect to make foreign and secu-rity policy and security of the citizens in the changing world a priority during her mandate.

EU Defence

· Consider that relevant changes in the area of security and defence need to be monitored, assessedand addressed in concert with the Member States. The progressive framing of a common defencepolicy reinforces our European identity and our independence in order to promote peace, securityand progress in Europe and in the world.

11 DE OUTUBRO DE 2019______________________________________________________________________________________________________________