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Climate change and security

· Recall that climate change impacts all aspects of human life, including by increasing the likeli-hood of conflicts and violence, poverty and displacement.

· Highlight that climate security concerns should be integrated into the entire foreign policy port-folio, including foreign trade. The EU should develop capacities to monitor climate change-re-lated risks, and should include conflict sensitivity and crisis prevention policies. In that context,the EU missions and programmes in conflict areas should offer adequate response capabilities.

· Insist on the importance of the EU speaking with a single and unified voice in all internationalforums. We underline therefore the need to develop a comprehensive approach to climate changeand security. We call on the Member States to take a stronger role in the effective implementationof international conventions such as the Paris Agreement.

Mika NiikkoChairman of the ForeignAffairs CommitteeParliament of Finland

David McAllisterChairman of the Committeeon Foreign AffairsEuropean Parliament

Ilkka KanervaChairman of the DefenceCommitteeParliament of Finland

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