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Parliament, Parlement, Hrvatski sabor

Mr Miro Kovač

Head ofDelegation, Chairof the ForeignAffairs Committee

European People’sParty, EPP

Mr Igor Dragovan

Member ofDelegation, Chairof the DefenceCommittee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mr Joško Klisović

Member ofDelegation, DeputyChair of theForeign AffairsCommittee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mr Anđelko Stričak

Member ofDelegation, DeputyChair of theDefence Committee

European People’sParty, EPP

Ms Martina Kušnjačić

Delegation Staff,Head of Secretariat,Foreign AffairsCommittee

Ms Vlasta Paljug Delegation Staff,Counsellor

Mr Zdeslav Perković Delegation Staff,Counsellor

Mr Ivo RađaDelegation Staff,Assistant to theSecretary General

Ms Helena Zidarić Delegation Staff,Counsellor

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 30______________________________________________________________________________________________________________