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Mr Mika Kari

Member ofDelegation,Member ofDefence Committee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mr Jari Ronkainen

Member ofDelegation, Vice-Chair of theDefence Committee

Identity and Democracy

Mr Mikko Savola

Member ofDelegation,Member of ForeignAffairs Committee

Renew Europe, RE

Mr Erkki Tuomioja

Member ofDelegation,Member of ForeignAffairs Committee

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mrs Tiina Larvala

Delegation Staff,Counsel to theForeign AffairsCommittee

Mrs Jonna Laurmaa

Delegation Staff,Counsel to theForeign AffairsCommittee

Mr Heikki SavolaDelegation Staff,Counsel to theDefence Committee

Mr Eero Säynäjäkangas

Delegation Staff,Liaison Officer ofthe Parliament ofFinland

11 DE OUTUBRO DE 2019______________________________________________________________________________________________________________