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Ms Iva Mišković Interpreter

Ms Barbara Tartaglia Roca Interpreter


House of Representatives, Chambre des représentants, Vouli ton Antiprosopon

Mr Aristos Damianou

Head ofDelegation,Member of theCommittee onForeign andEuropean Affairs

European UnitedLeft/Nordic Green Left,GUE

Mr Zacharias Koulias

Member ofDelegation,Member of theCommittee onDefence

Progressive Alliance ofSocialists andDemocrats in theEuropean Parliament,S&D

Mrs Eleni Stavrou

Member ofDelegation,Member of theCommittee onForeign andEuropean Affairs,Member of theCommittee onDefence

European People’sParty, EPP

Ms Sophie Tsouris

Delegation Staff,InternationalRelations OfficeRA’

11 DE OUTUBRO DE 2019______________________________________________________________________________________________________________