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9. Joint debate9.1. The continuing need to restore human rights and the rule of law in the North Caucasus

region0 Presentation by:

o Mr Frank SCHWABE (Germany, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. 15544)

9.2. Reported cases of political prisoners in the Russian Federation0 Presentation by:

o Ms Thórhildur Sunna ÆVARSDÓTTIR (Iceland, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. 15545)4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Tuesday 21 June, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Monday 20 June, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15544)% Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15545)

20 DE JULHO DE 2022 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________