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Thursday 23 June 2022

Sitting No. 23 (10:00-13:00)

13. Debate13.1. The honouring of membership obligations to the Council of Europe by Malta

0 Presentation by:o Mr Bernard FOURNIER (France, EPP/CD), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15546)o Mr George LOUCAIDES (Cyprus, UEL), Co-Rapporteur AS/Mon (Doc. 15546)

4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 22 June, 19:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 22 June, 10:30)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15546)

14. Debate14.1. Ensuring accountability for the downing of flight MH17

0 Presentation by:o Mr Titus CORLĂŢEAN (Romania, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Jur (Doc. 15543)

4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 22 June, 19:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 22 June, 10:30)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15543)

15. Address (12:30-13:00)15.1. His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands

Sitting No. 24 (15:30-20:00)

16. Current affairs debate16.1. United Kingdom agreement on asylum seekers and the critical government reaction

regarding the European Court of Human Rights decision4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 June, 12:00)

17. Current affairs debate17.1. Consequences of the blockade of the Black Sea4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 June, 12:00)

18. Debate18.1. Review of the partnership for democracy in respect of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz

Republic0 Presentation by:

o Mr Jacques MAIRE (France, ALDE), Rapporteur AS/Pol (Doc. 15526)o Mr Serhii KALCHENKO (Ukraine, EC/DA), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Jur (Doc. 15553)

4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Thursday 23 June, 12:00)¹ Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 22 June, 16:00)% Vote on a draft resolution (Doc. 15526)

20 DE JULHO DE 2022 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________