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Monday 10 October 2022

Sitting No. 26 (11:30-13:00)

1. Opening of the part-session1.1. Statement by the President

1.2. Examination of credentials0 List of delegations:

o (Doc. 15627)

1.3. Election of a Vice-President of the Assembly in respect of France (AS/Inf (2022) 02 rev2)

1.4. Changes in the membership of committees (Commissions (2022) 07 + Add.)

1.5. Requests for debate:1.5.1. Current affairs debate: "The military hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan"

1.5.2. Urgent procedure debate: "Recent outrageous and inhuman activities of the Russian Federation"

1.5.3. Current affairs debate: "Threatened bans of Pride events in Council of Europe member States"

1.5.4. Urgent procedure debate: "Political consequences of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine"

1.5.5. Current affairs debate: "Military hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including strikes against settlements and civilian infrastructures"

1.6. Adoption of the agenda

2. Debate2.1. Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee

0 Presentation by:o Ms Selin SAYEK BÖKE (Türkiye, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Bur (Doc. 15626, Doc. 15626 Add. 1)

4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 10 October, 10:00)

3. Prize Award Ceremony (12:30-13:00)3.1. Václav Havel Human Rights Prize2

Sitting No. 27 (15:00-17:00)

4. Address (15:00-16:00)4.1. His Excellency Mr Ignazio CASSIS, Federal Councillor, President of the Swiss

Confederation4 Questions (deadline for registration: Monday 3 October, 15:00)

5. Current affairs debate5.1. Military hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia, including strikes against settlements

and civilian infrastructures4 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Monday 10 October, 13:30)

2. See separate programme, AS/Inf(2022)12.

23 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2022_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________