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8. Calls on states to cooperate in sustainable small island pilot projects promoting

enhanced deployment of renewable energies, in particular solar energy, and hydrogen

produced from renewables as well as the related grid infrastructure for empowering

citizens to produce, sell, store and consume renewable energy, not only as a means of

reducing pollution but also as an economic gain.

9. Notes that cooperation in urban planning, the circular economy within an

approach to sustainable development and sustainable mobility is crucial to avoid the

pollution of cities, the use of waste-generating materials or the desertification of rural

areas. Adopting more sustainable solutions, based on scientific evidence and

implemented together with communities, creates more resilient cities and regions. Soil

erosion is also a major challenge, and innovative joint programmes should, therefore, be

further stepped up to avoid the expansion of the desert.

10. Considers it essential to cooperate in the more sustainable management of water

and agri-food systems in the face of climate change, urbanisation and population

growth. Stresses the need to encourage regional production, marketing and consumption

and help and support farmers in farming practices that make efficient use of water

resources and preserve land. Recognises that desalination projects are insufficient to

mitigate the effects of climate change in the fight against water needs but can be seen as

an additional and complementary solution. Agricultural practices should be

reconsidered in order to use water resources efficiently, as well as to produce food in

accordance with environmental standards to preserve the conservation of land and

ensure access to clean and healthy water, free of antibiotics and other chemicals is a

human right.

11. Is concerned about the increase in global temperature resulting from greenhouse

gas emissions and calls on states to sustainably reduce carbon dioxide emissions and

preserve and restore natural carbon sinks in order to achieve a global economy with low

emissions and climate neutrality through the energy transition.

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