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25 DE JULHO DE 2023 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Thursday 27 April 2023

Sitting No. 13 (14:30-20:00)

13. Address (14:30-15:30)

13.1. His Excellency Mr Guðni Th. JÓHANNESSON, President of Iceland

Speech (14:30-14:50)

Questions and replies (14:50-15:30)

 Questions (deadline for registration: Wednesday 26 April, 19:00)

14. Debate under urgent procedure

14.1. Deportations and forcible transfers of Ukrainian children and other civilians to Russian

Federation or to Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied: create conditions for their

safe return, stop these crimes and punish the perpetrators

 Presentation by:

o Mr Paulo PISCO (Portugal, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Mig (Doc. 15748)

o Ms Carmen LEYTE (Spain, EPP/CD), Rapporteur for opinion AS/Soc

 Statement by:

o Ms Olena Volodymyrivna ZELENSKA, First Lady of Ukraine (online)

 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 26 April, 19:00)

 Amendments (deadline for tabling: Wednesday 26 April, 18:00)

 Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15748)

15. Current affairs debate

15.1. Russia’s role in escalating tensions in the Republic of Moldova

 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 26 April, 19:00)

16. Debate

16.1. Safeguarding democracy, rights and the environment in international trade

 Presentation by:

o Mr Geraint DAVIES (United Kingdom, SOC), Rapporteur AS/Soc (Doc. 15739)

 List of speakers (deadline for registration: Wednesday 26 April, 19:00)

 Amendments (deadline for tabling: Tuesday 25 April, 16:00)

 Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 15739)