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Programme for all participants

13:45 Departure by bus from The Hotel to NATO Headquarters for members not involved in the NAC meeting and lunch

14:45 – 17:30 Joint Meeting of the Defence and Security, Economics and Security and Political

Committees Location: Press Briefing Room, NATO Headquarters (unrestricted area)


Chaired by Hon.Brendan Francis Boyle (United States), Chairperson of the Political Committee

14:45 Opening Remarks by Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam(France), President of the

NATO Parliamentary Assembly 14:50 Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Campaign Update and the Allied Support for

Ukraine and other Partners at Risk • Tom Goffus, Assistant Secretary General for Operations, NATO

• Angus Lapsley, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, NATO

16:10 Coffee break


Chaired by Hon.Brendan Francis Boyle (United States), Chairperson of the Political Committee

16:30 NATO’s New Strategic Concept: NATO’s Role in Upholding the Rules-Based

World Order and Operationalising the Commitment to Democratic Values Benedetta Berti, Head of Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary General, NATO

+/-17:30 Departure by bus to The Hotel Evening Free

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