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UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS)The UN Food Systems Summit, convened by the United Nations Secretary-General, was held in September 2021 with the aim of launching bold actions to transform the way the world produces, consumes, and thinks about food, as a crucial step towards achieving prog-ress in all 17 SDGs. During the process leading to the UNFSS, parliamentarians were encour-aged to contribute to national and global dialogues to define strategies and pathways for transforming food systems, with the active participation of affected people and relevant stakeholders in planning and decision-making.

7th meeting of the Presidents of the Parliaments of G20 Members In line with the above, during the G20, FAO participated in the 7th meeting of the Presi-dents of the Parliaments of G20 Members focused on Food Security and Resilience in the face of COVID-19 (Rome, 8 October 2021) highlighting the role of parliamentarians as the “officials who can develop policies and legal instruments to address the pressing challenges we face together”.

Preparatory events towards the Second Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition

To contribute to build the Agenda for the Summit, during 2022, FAO, with the support of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) organized a series of preparatory events to raise awareness among parliamentarians of key issues relating to food security and nutrition and stimulate dialogue on the role parliamentarians can play to contribute towards ending hunger and malnutrition. Building on the thematic sessions and the previous Virtual Parliamentary Dialogues, a Pre-Summit Meeting provided an opportunity for parliamentar-ians to reflect on the issues, insights and experiences shared and identify their expectations for the forthcoming Summit. During the thematic sessions, FAO launched an online survey to collect examples of parliamentary action to address hunger and malnutrition taken since the first Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition and identify priority issues that parliamentarians would like the forthcoming Summit to address.

In all those occasions, parliamentarians, aware of their role of custodians of political commitments, showed their determination to promote, nurture and strengthen the strong, shared political will and the action needed to rebuild better food systems, particularly in the aftermath of crises, and ensure all countries are back on a path to meeting the SDGs by 2030.

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