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18.2. highlights that any engagement with the de facto authorities should aim to secure the unconditional respect and protection of the human rights of women and girls. Such engagement should also work towards respect of the rights of all ethnic, religious and minority groups in Afghanistan. In this regard, the Assembly recalls that Afghanistan remains a party to several international human rights treaties by which it is obliged to abide;

18.3. engaging a dialogue with all political stakeholders in Afghanistan, including the de facto authorities, should be inclusive of members of all communities and minority groups within Afghanistan. In addition, the voices of Afghans in exile willing to contribute to such dialogue should be duly heard, including former members of the Afghan Parliament, judges, and lawyers, coming from all communities and minority groups of Afghanistan.

19. The Assembly is hopeful that this resolution may lay the ground for a roadmap on Afghanistan and willcontribute to the reflection of member States especially ahead of the Global Refugee Forum in December2023 and the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement in 2024.

20. The Assembly encourages the Council of Europe to explore avenues for contribution to the EUAA-ledExpert Platform on Afghanistan which brings together major partners of the Organisation worth co-ordinatingwith such as EU+ countries, Canada, the European Union, UNHCR, and the International Organization forMigration.


27 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________