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15. In Afghanistan, the Assembly:

15.1. calls on member States whose consular services have been suspended to explore the possibilityof co-ordinating some part of the visa request processes with member States whose consular servicesare still functioning in Kabul, provided that they share similar eligibility criteria for humanitarian or familyreunification visas;

15.2. calls on member States to explore the possibility to resume their consular services in Kabul witha view to facilitating access to protection for Afghans most at risk especially women and children, in thecase where individuals are unable to or prevented from exiting Afghan territory;

15.3. agrees that the external representations of member States may inform country of origininformation reports and be instrumental in enhancing support, including financially, to Afghan civilsociety especially in support of women and girls. The possibility for direct scholarship for privateeducation in medical studies, one of the only areas of education still accessible to women to date, maybe explored. Such efforts should be co-ordinated with United Nations programmes deployed inAfghanistan, the European External Action Service and the European Civil Protection and HumanitarianAid Operations field office in Kabul;

15.4. in line with UN Security Council Resolution S/Res/2626(2022), encourages member States, inco-ordination with the European External Action Service, to increase aid and co-operation funding. Ithighlights the importance of a gradual shift from humanitarian assistance to a development-orientedapproach in Afghanistan.

16. In Pakistan and in Iran, the Assembly:

16.1. encourages member States to streamline visa processes and to alleviate some of the eligibilityand administrative requirements for visa requests. Member States should harmonise procedures andpractices whenever imposing similar admissibility thresholds. They should co-ordinate their approachwith the European Union to adopt a common approach on family reunification and relocation of Afghanswhenever such relocation into an European Union member State involves elements falling under theEuropean Union Visa Code requirements;

16.2. aligns itself with Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17 and calls on member States “to fundspecific assistance and humanitarian resettlement programmes for women and girls who are victims, orat risk, of violence against women or trafficking in human beings”;

16.3. urges member States to allocate greater human and financial resources in consulates but also inthe capitals of member States to effectively increase access to resettlement and alternative pathwaysfor Afghans and ensure that cases are processed in a timely fashion;

16.4. suggests that the EQPR programme, in co-ordination with the UNESCO Qualifications Passportfor Refugees and Vulnerable Migrants programme, be used as a canvas for tailor-made educationassessment certificates to be issued by consulates in cases of partial or missing documentation as ameans of proving and validating the educational background of Afghans who submit applications fromKabul, or, alternatively, from Islamabad or Tehran;

16.5. draws attention of member States to the assistance and reception fatigue in countries hostingAfghan refugees especially in Iran and Pakistan and expresses its concern at the risk that this mayresult in increased vulnerability and possibly human rights violations in first countries of asylum.Echoing principles stated in its Resolution 2380 (2021) “Humanitarian action for refugees and migrantsin countries in North Africa and the Middle East”, the Assembly reiterates the need to provide nationalhumanitarian aid to support access to education and to health care for Afghan children and teenagers,boys and girls in co-ordination with the United Nations agencies and their implementing partners.

17. In line with Resolution 2487 (2023) “European solidarity in the context of asylum and internationalprotection” and with Resolution 2379 (2023), the Assembly is committed to reinforcing political leadership tosupport the Afghan people through parliamentary co-operation especially with the European Parliament andwith the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Exchanges between the Assembly and former members of the AfghanParliament now in exile may be explored.

18. The Assembly reiterates its position expressed in Resolution 2403 (2021), namely that it considers thatisolating the de facto authorities has led to the further suffering of the Afghan people. It stressed that:

18.1. engaging in targeted political dialogue with the de facto authorities does not imply a recognition on the part of member States of the Taliban as a legitimate authority in Afghanistan;

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