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8. In particular, the Assembly invites the Council of Europe member States to:

8.1. devise measures to strengthen the capacities of parents and families using drugs and alcohol toprevent addictions among the children of such families;

8.2. develop innovative prevention mechanisms involving children and young adults in dialogue withtheir peers. It also suggests devising trainings for young children and adolescents on ways of resistingthe negative influence of their classmates, adults, the media or an environment that encourages the useof drugs or alcohol;

8.3. train adults working with children, particularly in schools, sports clubs and medical contexts, to detect addictive behaviours in children and to report them so that they can be dealt with or to deal with them directly;

8.4. reinforce the prohibition on the supply or sale of drugs and alcohol to children, including through systematic and proportionate penalties for suppliers and dealers;

8.5. set up reception spaces for children which are easily accessible and offer a comprehensive approach to the management of problems they must face, including psychological and social support designed to enhance their potential to manage difficult personal or external circumstances;

8.6. assess the problem of the consumption of inhaling products and its impact on children’s health;

8.7. combat synthetic drugs, targeting trafficking aimed at children in particular.

9. The Assembly asks the member States to co-operate closely with the digital industry with a view to:

9.1. prohibiting the online sale of psychoactive substances and alcohol to children and child access to online gambling and betting in the same way as in the real world;

9.2. prohibiting any form of online advertising of these substances and offers of gambling and betting to children;

9.3. setting up online child-appropriate prevention campaigns concerning online gambling and betting and the excessive use of digital devices.

10. The Assembly invites Council of Europe member States as well as observer States and States whoseparliaments enjoy observer or partner for democracy status with the Assembly, which have not yet done so, tojoin the enlarged partial agreement which established the Council of Europe International Cooperation Groupon Drugs and Addictions (Pompidou Group).

research, prevention, risk reduction and treatment, and take stock of the actual experiences of children in different age categories, including young children. The Assembly insists on the protective approach of prevention policies aimed at children, including age-appropriate information about addictive substances and their consequences, and tools designed to limit access to them. In this connection, account should be taken of children’s specific needs, with targeted action for certain more vulnerable categories and measures catering for the various types of addictive behaviours.

27 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________