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7- They welcome the EU-Jordan Co-Presidency initiated by the Unionfor the Medicerranean and applaud chc candidacy of the I

s- They recall cheir ducy to consider the expectations and peoplc'sconcerns in cenns of cllinate change, health secLLrity, 1nigration issues,human trafficking, organized crÍ1ne, terrorism, separatism, and alisecurity challenges that requite a. common Euro-:NJediterranean action.

9- Thcy e111phasize the threat posed by terrorisc groups taking advancageof Í11stability and confüct to proliferate and dcstabilize the:Niediterranerm region ;

10- They rcgrected che persistence of severa! polir.ical and ccono1nicbarricrs chac prevcnc Mediterranean cooperation fro1n producingconcrete content that n1ccts thc aspirations of Mediterranean citi:tens,parcicularly youth. and that is conducive to the development of allcountries in the region;

11- Thcy call for the econonúc dimension to be given top priori!:)' "vithinthe Uf.LV1 through encouragu1g free trade and the development ofinvcstmcnt projects in the region, particularly in key seccors forregional .iJ1tcgration such as cransport and energy connectivity;

12- - 'l'hey recalled the 1nain pillars of J\1Icclitcrranean parliatnentary cooperation, namely political dialogue, econonuc and cultural coopcration, and hwnan, social and cultural dialogue, and stressed the Í1nportance of repositioning cooperntion and partnership through structuring anel innovative projects in areas of comn1O11 intcrcst;

13- They callecl for greacer commitmenc from the 1ncmbers of thePA-UflvI anel bcttcr coordination co preserve the Euro-N!editerraneanparliatnentiu-y achieve1nents, through greacer mobili:tar.ion of betccrtargeted and efficient means to revitali7.e their joint action;

14- The Presidents condemnecl thc resurgence of violence in the Ga7.aStrip and the \,'(/cst Bank, anel thc hun1an cost it is Í11flict.iJ1g, .insistingon the neeel for an immediate anel permanent ccascfire, in fullcompliance ,vith internacional humanitarian law, and thc liberation ofinnocent civilians, while denouncing ccrrorist actions and calling forthe resumption of efforts aimed at achievÍ11g the two Staces politicalsolution ;

26 DE MARÇO DE 2024_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________