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1s-They expressed, in this connection, their rejcction of forciblc displacement of Palestinians, calling for an adcquatc, safe and unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid destined to rJ1e civilian population in the Gaza Strip;

16- Thcy rcitcratcd thc urgcnt nccd to reaccivate the Israeli-Palesúnianpeace process to pro1note the search for a comprehensive solution tothe Middle East question, one that is just and lasting, and which cancrcatc a political horizon conducivc to chc cstablisluncnt of C\vo Statcsliving sidc by sidc in pcacc and harmony;

11- The Presidents expressed their support for the efforts made bycountries .in the reg.ion to consolida te democracy and the rule of law;

is- Thcy cxprcsscd thcir suppott for thc cfforts n1adc by ilic councries ofthe region to consolidatc dcmocracy and the rule of law;

19- The Summít commended the Moroccan Presidency for its activecontribut.ion to che PA-Ufütf bodies and the efforts it has made duringits term of office, praising the Kingdon1 of 1-Iorocco's significantparliamentary contribution, as a founding member, to the successfulorganization of the Bureau and Enlarged Bureau meetings, as well asthe hosting of the PA-Uf.l\1's 17th plenary session and ilie preparationof.its work;

20- Thc Summit praiscd thc commitment of the Spanish Prcsidcncy,which is caking ovcr frotn Morocco, co breathing new lifc into Euro­Mcditerranean parliamentary action.

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 1_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________