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Recommendation 2273 (2024)1Provisional version

Towards Council of Europe strategies for healthy seas and oceans to counter the climate crisis

Parliamentary Assembly

1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to its Resolution 2546 (2024) “Towards Council of Europestrategies for healthy seas and oceans to counter the climate crisis” and underscores the strategic goal tomake the link between human rights and the environment a visible priority of the Council of Europe throughthe Reykjavik process. The Council of Europe has undertaken to come up with its own response to the tripleplanetary crisis by initiating the Reykjavik process and recognising, at political level, the right to a healthy,clean and sustainable environment at the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government. A healthyenvironment can never be possible without healthy seas and oceans. The Council of Europe must contributeto networking between like-minded partners and provide a forum for civil society and young people.

2. The Assembly welcomes the intention to strengthen the tools of the Council of Europe forenvironmental protection as part of the Reykjavik process, ensuring their sustainability through the provision ofstable resources. The member States should consolidate the Council of Europe capacity in this field andunderpin it with adequate long-term funding in follow-up to decisions of the Reykjavik Summit. The Council ofEurope should join forces with other international organisations, notably the European Union, in the realisationof the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, in particular, SDG 14 which is aimed atconserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources for responding in a holistic mannerto a host of direct and indirect threats including plastic and other marine pollution, ocean warming,eutrophication, acidification and the collapse of fisheries and biodiversity.

3. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers:

3.1. take into account the need to ensure comprehensive, efficient and effective protection of oceansand seas when preparing strategic documents (such as the Strategy on the Environment and its relatedAction Plan) and in other relevant work such as co-operation and technical assistance activities,including with neighbouring countries;

3.2. in the development of the Council of Europe’s work on the environment, keep to the forefront thehuman rights perspective, including the right to a healthy environment, taking into account the needs ofall the different stakeholders in society including future generations;

3.3. take advantage of the Council of Europe observer status to the International MaritimeOrganisation (IMO) to raise awareness on the human rights perspective;

3.4. ensure close co-operation with civil society actors, NGOs working to protect the seas and savelives at sea, and relevant international organisations such as the IMO.

1. Assembly debate on 18 April 2024 (12th sitting) (see Doc. 15956, report of Committee on Social Affairs, Health andSustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Yuliia Ovchynnykova). Text adopted by the Assembly on 18 April 2024(12th sitting).


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