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Resolution 2539 (2024)1Provisional version

Support for the reconstruction of Ukraine

Parliamentary Assembly

1. The Parliamentary Assembly reiterates its deep concern at the extensive devastation and acutesuffering inflicted upon Ukraine and its people by the Russian Federation with its illegal war of aggressionwhich started in 2014, and escalated into a large-scale invasion in February 2022, resulting in severe humanand material losses, grave violations of human rights, and numerous war crimes.

2. The Council of Europe has led the way in expressing its solidarity with Ukraine and its people,condemning the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and excluding the RussianFederation from its membership because of its serious violation of international law and statutory obligations.The Council of Europe has also shown leadership in setting up the Register of Damage Caused by theAggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as a first step towards establishing a comprehensivesystem of accountability of the Russian Federation for its wrongful acts. Consistent with its steadfast resolveand its focus on democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, the Council of Europe should play a significantrole in supporting the reconstruction efforts in Ukraine, by recommending the seizure of Russian State assetsand their use in support of the reconstruction of Ukraine. This course of action would pursue a threefoldobjective: strengthening Ukraine; ensuring the accountability of the Russian Federation; and deterring againstany other future aggression.

3. The Assembly believes that it is crucial for the international community, working in concert, to addressthis challenge and ensure that the victims of the aggression, Ukraine and its citizens, receive the reparationsthey are owed, and that there is a path towards justice. As already called for by the Assembly in its Resolution2516 (2023) “Ensuring a just peace in Ukraine and lasting security in Europe”, this shall involve establishing “acomprehensive compensation mechanism, including an international commission for the examination ofclaims for damages recorded in the Register of Damage, and a compensation fund to pay out on decisions oncompensation for damage awarded by the commission, in particular by confiscating and otherwise using theRussian Federation’s assets to pay for damage caused by the war in Ukraine”.

4. The documented damages to Ukraine's infrastructure and economy caused by the RussianFederation's aggression had reached US$416 billion in June 2023. The plight of those who have had to fleeUkraine because of the war – an estimated 6.2 million people – is particularly concerning, as a humanitarianemergency in itself and also because it creates a ripple effect across borders, impacting neighbouringcountries and straining resources on a larger scale. In addition, it has been estimated that approximately 17.6million individuals in Ukraine needed humanitarian assistance in 2023, with 5.1 million people being internallydisplaced.

5. The Assembly acknowledges that the non-participation by the Russian Federation in internationaldispute settlements hinders the traditional legal channels for securing reparations. It affirms, however, theobligation of the aggressor State, the Russian Federation, to provide full compensation for the damage, loss,and injury caused by its internationally wrongful acts, including the destruction of infrastructure, loss of life,economic hardships, and other adverse effects, in accordance with the principles of international law. In this

1. Assembly debate on 16 April 2024 (10th sitting) (see Doc. 15932, report of the Committee on Political Affairs andDemocracy, rapporteur: Mr Lulzim Basha; and Doc. 15941, opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights,rapporteur: Mr Davor Ivo Stier). Text adopted by the Assembly on 16 April 2024 (10th sitting).

See also Recommendation 2271 (2024).


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