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6 DE MARÇO DE 1981


Standing Groups


1 — Each Standing Group shall be composed of one ox more representatives of the Government of each Participating Country.

2 — The Management Committee, acting by majority, shall elect the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Groups.


1 — The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall carry out the functions assigned to it in chapters i to v and ahe Annex and any other function delegated to it by the Governing Board.

2 — The Standing Group may review and report to the Management Committee on any matter within the scope of chapters i to v and the Annex.

3 — The Standing Group may consult with oil compames on any matter within its competence.


1 — The Standing Group on the Oil Market shall carry out the functions assigned to it in chapters v and vi and any other function delegated to it by the Governing Board.

2 — The Standing Group may review and report to the Management Committee on any matter within the scope of chapters v and vj.

3 — The Standing Group may consult with oil companies on any matter within its competence.


1 —The Standing Group on Long Term Co-operation shall carry out the functions assigned to it in chapter vu and any other function delegated to it by 4he Governing Board.

2 — The Standing Group may review and report to the Management Committee on any matter within the scope of chapter vn.


1 — The Standing Group on Relations with Producer and other Consumer Countries shall carry out the functions assigned to it in chapter vni and any other function delegated to it by the Governing Board.

2 — The Standing Group may review and report to the Management Committee on any matter within the scope of chapter vin.

3 — The Standing Group may consult with oil companies on any matter within its competence.

Secretariat ARTICLE 59

1 — The Secretariat shall be composed of an Executive Director and such staff as is necessary.

2 — The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Governing Board.

3 — In the performance of their duties under this Agreement the Executive Director and the staff shall be responsible to and report to the organs of the


4 — The Governing Board, acting by majority, shall take all decisions necessary for the establishment and the functioning of the Secretariat.


The Secretariat shall carry out the functions assigned to it in this Agreement and any other function assigned to it by the Governing Board.



1 — The Governing Board shall adopt decisions end recommendations for which no express voting provision is made in 'this Agreement, as follows:

c) By majority:

Decisions on the management of the Program, including decisions applying provisions of this Agreement which already impose specific obligations on Participating Countries;

Decisions on procedural questions;

Recommendations. b) By unanimity:

All other decisions, including in particular decisions which impose on Participating Countries new obligations not already specified in this Agreement.

2 — Decisions mentioned in paragraph 1, o), may provide:

a) That they shall not be binding on one or

more Participating Countries; 6) That they shall be binding only under certain



1—Unanimity shall require all of the votes of the Participating Countries present and voting. Countries abstaining shall be considered as not voting.

2 — When majority or special majority is required, the Participating Countries shall have the following voting weights: