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8 DE MARÇO DE 1985


services. When this is not possible or advisable, Portuguese and United States Forces will provide such services for their own aircraft. When such jointly operated services are not available, Portuguese authorities will provide such services to all civilian aircraft, except when such aircraft are operated by or for the United States Forces, and to military aircraft of third countries, except as otherwise agreed.

ARTICLE III Radio aids

The United States Forces are responsible for the operation of the Lajes Ait Base radio aids for navigation, approach, landing and departure, installed or to be installed, primarily for the use of United States aircraft. The United States will have the right to exchange or replace these systems at any time provided that the interoperability of navigation or landing system services will not be altered without the mutual agreement of the two Commanders.

ARTICLE IV Commercial filgts

Without prejudice to the priority of military usage, due consideration will be given to the accommodation of authorized commercial flights.

Annex E Defense security and law enforcement

ARTICLE I General principles

1 — The Azores Air Commander is responsible for the immediate defense, internal security and maintenance of law and order of Lajes Air Base and its supporting facilities, including measures against espionage, sabotage and subversion, except as otherwise agreed.

2 — Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, the Commander of the United States Forces is responsible for internal security and maintenance of law and order in the United States use facilities. Portuguese law enforcement authorities will cooperate with the United States Forces Command under procedures to be mutually agreed.

3 — The United States Forces Command will consult with the Azores Air Command regarding the security of United States vessels, aircraft, equipment and other material in joint use facilities, including its location and necessary guard and firearm arrangements. In those cases where it is necessary, the United States Forces Command may assign guards to ensure external protection. Prior notification of such cases shall be given to the Azores Air Command.

4 — The two Commands will consult as necessary to ensure that both are kept fully informed as to special

defense and security situations and will take appro-piate measures, in conformity with Lajes Air Base defense and security plans, to meet such situations.

ARTICLE II Defense and security coordination system

Consistent with the provisions of article iv of the Agreement and of article i of this Annex, the Lajes Air Base defense and security system shall be managed by the Azores Air Commander, under procedures to be mutually agreed, through a defense and security coordination center, which will be jointly manned.

ARTICLE III Plans and Implementation

1 — The Azores Air Command shall be responsible for formulation and implementation of plans for the immediate defense and security of Lajes Air Base and its supporting facilities.

2 — The United States Forces Commander shall make appropriate plans for the implementation of his security responsibilities under the terms of this Annex, and shall submit them to the Azores Air Commander for coordination and incorporation into base security plans.

3 — Implementation of the above responsabilities shall include provisions for armed personnel and other necessary measures for the internal and external security and military defense of Lajes Air Base and its supporting facilities.

4 — The two Commanders will review annually the Lajes Air Base defense and security system to ensure that the measures in force are adequate. The results of this review together with any proposals for additional measures shall be submitted through appropriate military channels to higher authorities.

5 — In order to carry out the responsibilities referred to in this Annex, or to counter unforeseen situations, the Azores Air Commander may request support from the Commander of the United States Forces, who may also make recommendations in this regard. The United States Forces Commander will provide support as may be mutually agreed.

ARTICLE IV Military police patrols

1 — Military patrols staffed jointly by United States and Portuguese military personnel will patrol Lajes Air Base and its supporting facilities, and when requested may assist local law enforcement authorities outside the agreed facilities. The patrols will operate in accordance with mutually agreed regulations, and will utilize bilingually marked security vehicles.

2 — Should a difference arise in a situation requiring immediate action by members of a joint patrol, the matter shall be referred as soon as possible to their superiors. Pending a resolution of any such dispute, no United States member shall take any action