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2 — Existing types of armoured combat vehicles are: A) Armoured personnel carriers:

YPR-765. BTR-40.

AMX-13 VTT. BTR-1S2.

Ml 13. BTR-50.

M75. BTR-60.

Spartan. OT-62 (TOPAS).

Grizzly. OT-64 (SKOT).

TPz-1 Fuchs. OT-90.

VAB. FUG D-442.

M59. BTR-70.

Leónidas. BTR-80.


VCC2. TAB-77.

Saxon. OT-810.

AFV 432. PSZH D-944.

Saracen. TABC-79.

Humber. TAB-71.


BMR-600. MT-LB (•).

Chaimite V200.













MT-LB (*).

All models and versions of an existing type of armoured personnel carrier listed above shall be deemed to be armoured personnel carriers of that type, unless such models and versions are included in the armoured personnel carrier look-alike list in section II, paragraph 1, of this Protocol.

B) Armoured infantry fighting vehicles:

YPR-765 (25 mm). BMP-l/BRM-1.

Marder. BMP-2.

AMX-10P. BMP-23.

Warrior. MLI-84.

M2/M3 Bradley. BMD-1.

AFV 432 Rarden. BMD-2.

NM-135. BMP-3.

BMP-l/BRM-1. BMP-2.

All models and versions of an existing type of an armoured infantry fighting vehicle listed above shall be deemed to be armoured infantry fighting vehicles of that type, unless such models and versions are included in the armoured infantry fighting vehicle look-alike list in section n, paragraph 2, of this Protocol.

(*) This multi-purpose lightly armoured vehicle may be exceptionally modified within 40 months of entry into force of the Treaty into an armoured personnel carrier look-alike listed in section n, paragraph 1, of this Protocol as MT-LB-AT by alteration of the interior of the vehicle through the removal of the left-hand combat infantry squad seating and the welding of the ammunition racking to the side and the floor at a minimum of six points so that the vehicle is not capable of transporting a combat infantry squad. Such modifications may be accomplished at locations other than reduction sites. MT-LB armoured personnel carriers that have not been modified shall be reported in accordance with the Protocol of Information Exchange as armoured personnel carriers.

Q Heavy armament combat vehicles:


ERC90 Sagaye. SU-76.

BMR-625-90. SU-100.

Commando V150. ISU-152.






EBR-75 Panhard.


All models and versions of an exiting type heavy armament combat vehicle listed above shall be deemed to be heavy armament combat vehicles of that type.

3 — Existing types of artillery are:

A) Guns, howitzers and artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers: 105 mm: 100 mm:

105 Light Gun. BS-3 Field Gun.

M18. Model 53 Field Gun.

105 Krupp Gun. Skoda How (model 1914/ 105 R Metal Gun. 1934, 1930, 1934).

105 Pack How. Skoda How (model 1939). M 56 Pack How.

M 101 Towed How. 105 mm:

Mll2, T^6n H°W- Schneider Field Gun (mo-

Abbot SP Gun. d j 1936)

M108 SP How. aei iy30>-

M52 SP How. ,„___

105 HM-2 How. 120 mm-

M-38 Gun (Skoda). 2B16 How.

105 AU 50 How. 2S9 SP How.

R58/M26 Towed How.

122 mm:

122 mm: mQ Hqw

122/46 Field Gun. M-30 How.

D30 How. D74 How.

M 30 How. 2S1 SP How.

2S1 SP How. A19 Gun (model 31/37).

Model 89 SP How.

130 mm:

M 46 Gun. 130 mm:

Gun 82.

140 mm: M-46 Gun.

5.5' (139.7mm) Towed ,,n___

How. 150 mm:

Skoda How (model 1934). 150 mm: Ceh How (model 1937).

150 Skoda Gun. ...

152 mm:

152 mm: Dl How.

D20 Gun-How. flJ^"^

2S3 SP How 2A6S How-

or" HOW. ML2Q How.Gun

D20 Gun-How. 155 mm: Gm g]

M114 Towed How. 2A36 Gun.

M114/39 (M-139) Towed Dana SP Gun-How M77.

How. 2S5 SP Gun.

FH-70 Towed How. 2S19 SP How.

M109 SP How. Gun-How 85.

M198 Towed How. How Model 1938.

155 TRF1 Gun. How 81.