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4 DE JULHO DE 1992


10) Unarmed transport helicopters:

Existing type; National nomenclature;

11) Armoured vehicle launched bridges:

Existing type; National nomenclature.


Specifications for photographs

Photographs provided pursuant to section m of this Protocol shall be in black and white. The use of flash and lighting equipment shall be allowed. The object being photographed shall contrast with background of the photograph. All photographs shall be of high definition, with continuous tone and in sharp focus. Photographs measuring 13 centimetres by 18 centimetres, not including a border, shall be provived. For aspects other than overhead, all photographs shall be taken from the same level as the equipment being photographed, with the camera placed along or perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the object being photographed; for the top view, photographs shall show the top and may show the rear aspects of the equipment. The object being photographed shall fill at least 80 % of the photograph in either horizontal or vertical aspect. A reference gauge shall be included in each photograph together with the object. The gauge shall have alternating half-metre sections in black and white. It shall be enough to provide accurate scaling and shall be placed on or against the object or in close proximity to it. Each photograph shall be labelled to provide the information required by section ill, paragraph 2, of this Protocol as well as the date when the photograph was taken.


The States Parties hereby agree upon procedures and provisions governing total disarming and certification of the unarmed status of specific models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft in accordance with article vm of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of November 19, 1990, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty.

SECTION I General provisions

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to remove from the numerical limitations on combat aircraft in articles iv and vi of the Treaty only those specific models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft listed in section n, paragraph 1, of this Protocol in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Protocol.

A) Each State Party shall have the right to remove from the numerical limitations on combat aircraft in articles iv and vi of the Treaty individual aircraft of

the specific models or versions listed in section n, paragraph 1, of this Protocol that have any of the components set forth in section ill, paragraphs 1 and 2, of this Protocol only by total disarming and certification.

B) Each State Party shall have the right to remove from the numerical limitations on combat aircraft in articles iv and vi of the Treaty individual aircraft of the specific models or versions listed in section il, paragraph 1, of this Protocol that do not have any of the components set forth in section in, paragraphs 1 and 2, of this Protocol by certification alone.

2 — Models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft listed in section II of this Protocol may be disarmed and certified, or certified alone, within 40 months after entry into force of the Treaty. Such aircraft shall count against the numerical limitations on combat aircraft in articles iv and vi of the Treaty until such aircraft have been certified as unarmed in accordance with the procedures set forth in section iv of this Protocol. Each State Party shall have the right to remove from the numerical limitations on combat aircraft in articles iv and vi of the Treaty no more than 550 such aircraft, of which no more than 130 shall be of the MiG-25U model or version.

3 — No later than entry into force of the Treaty, each State Party shall notify all other States Parties of:

A) The total number of each specific model or version of combat-capable trainer aircraft that the State Party intends to disarm and certify in accordance with section I, paragraph 1, subparagraph A), section in and section rv of this Protocol; and

B) The total number of each specific model or version of combat-capable trainer aircraft that the State Party intends to certify alone, in accordance with section I, paragraph 1, subparagraph B), and section iv of this Protocol.

4 — Each State Party shall use whatever technological means it deems necessary to implement the total disarming procedures set forth in section III of this Protocol.


Models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft eligible for total disarming and certification

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to remove from the numerical limitations on combat aircraft in articles iv and vi of the Treaty in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol only the following specific models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft:








2 — The foregoing list of specific models or versions of combat-capable trainer aircraft is final and not subject to revision.