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4 DE JULHO DE 1992


155 AUF1 Gun. 203 mm:

155 AMF3 Gun. B4 H

155 BF50 Gun. 2S7SPGun

M44 SP How. 2S? bP °m-M59 Towed Gun. SP70 SP How.

175 mm: M107 SP Gun.

203 mm:

M115 Towed How. MHO SP How. M55 SP How.

B) Mortars:

107 mm: 107 mm:

4.2* (ground mounted or Mortar M-1938. on M106 armoured vehicle). 120 mm:

nnmm. 2B11 (2S12).

1ZU mm- M 120 Model 38/43.

Brandt (M60, M-120-60; Tundzha/Tundzha Sani

SLM-120-AM-50). SP Mortar (mounted

M120 RTF 1. on MT-LB).

M120 M51. Mortar Model 1982.

Soltam/Tampella (ground B-24.

mounted or on Ml 13

armoured vehicle). 160 mm: Ecia Mod L (ground

mounted M-L or MI0U-

mounted on either the -An

BMR-600 or Ml 13 ar- 240 mm-

moured vehicle). M240.

HY12 (Tosam). 2S4 SP Mortar. 2B11 (2S12).

C) Multiple launch rocket systems:

110 mm: 122 mm:

LARS. BM-21 (BM-21-1,

BM-21V). 122 mm: RM-70.

BM-21. APR-21.

RM-70. APR-40.

140 mm: 130 mm:

Teruel MLAS. M^[m

-m mrn. BM-13,

¿¿1 mm: R 2


140 mm: BM-14.

220 mm: BM-22/27.

240 mm: BM-24.

280 mm: Uragan 9P140.

300 mm: Smerch.

All models and versions of an existing type of artillery listed above shall be deemed to be artillery of that type.

4 — Existing types of combat aircraft are:

A-7. IAR-93.

A-10. IL-28.

Alpha Jet A. MiG-15.

AM-X. MiG-17.

Buccaneer. MiG-21.

Canberra. MiG-23.

Draken. MiG-25

F-4. MiG-27.

F-5. MiG-29.

F-15. MiG-31.

F-16. SU-7.

F-18. SU-1S.

F-84. SU-17.

F-102. SU-20.

F-104. SU-22.

F-lll. SU-24.

G-91. SU-25.

Harrier. SU-27.

Hunter. TU-16.

Jaguar. TU-22.

Lightning. TU-22M.

MiG-21. TU-128.

MiG-23. Yak-28. MiG-29. Mb-339. Mirage Fl. Mirage HI. Mirage IV. Mirage V. Mirage 2000. SU-22. Tornado.

All models or versions of an existing type of combat aircraft listed above shall be deemed to be combat aircraft of that type.

5 — Existing types of attack helicopters are:

A) Specialised attack helicopters:

A-129 Mangusta. Mi-24.

AH-I Cobra. AH-64 Apache. Mi-24.

Subject to the provisions in section I, paragraph 3, of the Protocol on Helicopter Recategorisation, all models or versions of an existing type of specialised attack helicopter listed above shall be deemed to be specialised attack helicopters of that type.

B) Multi-purpose attack helicopters:

A-109 Hirundo. IAR-316.

Alouette III. Mi-8/Mi-17.


Fennec AS 550 C-2.




OH-58 Kiowa/AB-206/

CH-136. Scout. Wessex.

Subject to the provisions in section I, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Protocol on Helicopter Recategorisation,