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graph 1 of this section. Photographs shall not be required of models and versions of a type that have no significant externally observable differences from the exemplar of that type. The photographs of each exemplar of a type shall contain an annotation of the existing type designation and national nomenclature for all models and versions of the type that the photographs of the exemplar represent. The photographs of each exemplar of a type shall contain an annotation of the technical data for that type in accordance with the agreed categories in the annex to this Protocol. In addition, the annotation shall indicate all models and versions of the type that the photographs of the exemplar represent. Such technical data shall be annotated on the side view photograph.


Updates of existing types list and obligations of the States Parties

1 — This Protocol constitutes agreement by the States Parties only with respect to existing types of conventional armaments and equipment as well as with respect to the categories of technical data set forth in sections I and n of the annex to this Protocol.

2 — Each State Party shall be responsible for the accuracy of technical data for only its own conventional armaments and equipment provided in accordance with section in of this Protocol.

3 — Each State Party shall notify all other States Parties, upon the entry into service with the armed forces of that State Party within the area of application, of: a) any new type of conventional armaments and equipment which meets one of the definitions in article n of the Treaty or which falls under a category listed in this Protocol, and b) any new model or version of a type listed in this Protocol. At the same time, each State Party shall provide all other States Parties with the technical data and photographs required by section m of this Protocol.

4 — As soon as possible, and in any case no later than 60 days following a notification pursuant to paragraph 3 of this section, the States Parties shall initiate update actions, in accordance with the provisions set forth in article xvi of the Treaty and the Protocol on the Joint Consultative Group, for the lists of existing types of conventional armaments and equipment in sections I and ii of this Protocol.

Annex to the Protocol on Existing Types of Conventional Armaments and Equipment


Agreed categories of technical data

The following are agreed categories of technical data for each model and version of existing types of conventional armaments and equipment:

1) Battle tanks:

Existing type; National nomenclature; Main gun calibre; Unladen weight;

2) Armoured combat vehicles:

Armoured personnel carriers:

Existing type;

National nomenclature;

Type and calibre of armaments, if any;

Armoured infantry fighting vehicles:

Existing type;

National nomenclature;

Type and calibre of armaments;

Heavy armament combat vehicles:

Existing type; National nomenclature; Main gun calibre; Unladen weight;

3) Artillery:

Guns, howitzers and artillery pieces combining the characteristics of guns and howitzers :

Existing type; National nomenclature; Calibre;


Existing type; National nomenclature; Calibre;

Multiple launch rocket systems:

Existing type; National nomenclature; Calibre;

4) Combat aircraft:

Existing type; National nomenclature;

5) Attack helicopters:

Existing type; National nomenclature;

6) Armoured personnel carrier look-alikes:

Existing type;

National nomenclature;

Type and calibre of armaments, if any;

7) Armoured infantry fighting vehicle look-alikes:

Existing type;

National nomenclature;

Type and calibre of armaments, if any;

8) Primary trainer aircraft:

Existing type; National nomenclature; Type of armaments, if any;

9) Combat support helicopters:

Existing type; National nomenclature;