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11 DE MARCO DE 1994


iv) To decide on any measures of financing programmes, e. g. through loans;

v) To authorise any transfer from a budget of a mandatory programme to another mandatory programme;

vi) To decide on any amendment of an approved programme resolution and programme definition as referred to in article 3.1;

vii) To approve the conclusion of cooperation agreements with Non-Member States;

viii) To decide to dissolve or not to dissolve EUMETSAT in conformity with article 20;

ix) To amend the annexes to this Convention;

jr) To approve cost overruns of more than 10 % thereby increasing the original financial envelope or ceiling of mandatory programmes (except for MOP);

xi) To decide on activities to be carried out on behalf of third parties;

b) By a two-thirds majority vote of the Member States present and voting representing also at least two-thirds of the total amount of GNP contributions [respectively MOP contributions for i) below]:

/) To adopt the annual budget for the MOP, together with the level of staff complements and the expenditure and income forecast for the following three years attached thereto; ii) To adopt the financial rules as well

as other financial provisions; Hi) To decide on the way EUMETSAT will be dissolved pursuant to the provisions of article 20.3 and 4;

iv) To decide on the exclusion of a Member State pursuant to the provisions of article 14, and on the conditions of such exclusion;

v) To decide on any transfer of the EUMETSAT headquarters;

vi) To adopt the staff rules;

vii) To decide on the distribution policy for satellite data for mandatory programmes;

c) By a vote representing as least two-thirds of the total amount of contributions and one half of the Member States present and voting:

i) To adopt the annual General Budget and the annual budgets for mandatory programmes (except for MOP), together with their level of staff complements and the expenditure and income forecast for the following three years attached thereto;

ii) To approve cost overruns of up 10 % thereby increasing the original financial envelope or ceiling (except for MOP);

Hi) To approve annually the acounts of the previous year, together with the balance sheet of the assets and liabilities of EUMETSAT, after taking note of the auditor's report, and give discharge to the Director-General in respect of the implementation of the budget;

iv) To decide on all other measures relating to mandatory programmes that have a financial impact on the Organisation;

d) By a two-thirds majority of the Member States present and voting:

i) To appoint the Director-General for a specific period, and terminate or suspend his appointment; in the case of suspension the Council shall appoint an Acting Director-General;

ii) To define the operational specifications of mandatory satellite programmes as well as the products and services;

Hi) To decide that an envisaged optional programme falls within the objectives of EUMETSAT and that the programme is in accordance with the general framework of the Convention and the rules agreed by Council for its application;

j'v) To approve the conclusion of any agreement with Member States, international governmental and non-governmental organisations, or national organisations of Member States;

v) To adopt recommendations to the Member States concerning amendments to this Convention;

vi) To adopt its own rules of procedure;

vii) To appoint the auditors and to decide the length of their appointments;

e) By a majority of the Member States present and voting:

/) To approve appointments and dismissals of senior staff;

it) To decide on the setting-up of subsidiary bodies and working groups and define their terms of reference;

Hi) To decide on any other measure not explicitly provided for in this Convention.

3 — For optional programmes the following specific rules apply:

a) The programme declaration shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Member States interested, present and voting;

b) All measures for the implementation of an optional programme shall be decided upon by a vote representing at least two-thirds of the contributions and one-third of the Participating States present and voting.