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number, and function for each individual included. Each State Party shall have the right to amend its list of designated personnel until 30 days after entry into force of -this Treaty and once every six months thereafter.

2 — In the event that any individual included on the original or any amended list is unacceptable to a State Party reviewing the list, that State Party shall, no later than 30 days after receipt of each list, notify the State Party providing that list that such individual shall not be accepted with respect to the objecting State Party. Individuals not declared unacceptable within that 30-day period shall be deemed accepted. In the event that a State Party subse-quendy determines that an individual is unacceptable, that State Party shall so notify the State Party that designated such individual. Individuals who are declared unacceptable shall be removed from the list previously submitted to the objecting State Party.

3 — The observed Party shall provide visas and any other documents as required to ensure that each accepted individual may enter and remain on the territory of that State Party for the purpose of carrying out duties relating to the conduct of observation flights, including monitoring the processing of the sensor output. Such visas and any other necessary documents shall be provided either:

A) No later than 30 days after the individual is deemed to be accepted, in which case the visa shall be valid for a period of no less than 24 months; or

B) No later than one hour after the arrival of the individual at the point of entry, in which case the visa shall be valid for the duration of that individual's duties; or

C) At any other time, by mutual agreement of the States Parties involved.

Section II Privileges and immunities

1 — In order to exercise their functions effectively, for the purpose of implementing this Treaty and not for their personal benefit, personnel designated in accordance with the provisions of section i, paragraph 1, of this article shall be accorded the privileges and immunities enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to article 29, article 30, paragraph 2, article 31, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, and articles 34 and 35 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961, hereinafter referred to as the Vienna Convention. In addition, designated personnel shall be accorded the privileges enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to article 36, paragraph 1, subparagraph b), of the Vienna Convention, except in relation to articles, the import or export of which is prohibited by law or controlled by quarantine regulations.

2 — Such privileges and immunities shall be accorded to designated personnel for the entire period between arrival on and departure from the territory of the observed Party, and thereafter with respect to acts previously performed in the exercise of their official functions. Such personnel shall also, when transiting the territory of other States Parties, be accorded the privileges and immunities enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to article 40, paragraph 1, of the Vienna Convention.

3 — The immunity from jurisdiction may be waived by the observing Party in those cases when it would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to this Treaty. The immunity of personnel who are not nationals of the observing Party may be waived only by the States Parties of which such personnel are nationals. Waiver must always be express.

4 — Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities or the rights of the observing Party set forth in this Treaty, it is the duty of designated personnel to respect the laws and regulations of the observed Party.

5 — The transportation means of the personnel shall be accorded the same immunities from search, requisition, attachment or execution as those of a diplomatic mission pursuant to article 22, paragraph 3, of the Vienna Convention, except as otherwise provided for in this Treaty.


1 — Solely for the purposes of articles o to ix and article xi, and of annexes A to I and annex K to this Treaty, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall be deemed a single State Party, hereinafter referred to as the Benelux.

2 — Without prejudice to the provisions of article xv, the above-mentioned States Parties may terminate this arrangement by notifying all other States Parties thereof. This arrangement shall be deemed to be terminated on the next 31 December following the 60-day period after such notification.

ARTICLE XV Duration and withdrawal

1 — This Treaty shall be of unlimited duration.

2 — A State Party shall have the right to withdraw from this Treaty. A State Party intending to withdraw shall provide notice of its decision to withdraw to either depositary at least six months in advance of the date of tfs w»-tended withdrawal and to all other States Parties. The depositaries shall promptly inform all other States Parties of such notice.

3 — In the event that a State Party provides notice of its decision to withdraw from this Treaty in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, the depositaries shall convene a conference of the States Parties no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days after they have received such notice, in order to consider the effect of the withdrawal on this Treaty.

ARTICLE XVI Amendments and periodic review

1 — Each State Party shall have the right to propose amendments to this Treaty. The text of each ptooosed amendment shall be submitted to either depositary, which shall circulate it to all States Parties for consideration. If so requested by no less than three States Parties within a