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22 DE JULHO DE 1994


The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic:

Praha......................................................... 600

Bratislava................................................. 700

Kosice....................................................... 400

The Republic of Turkey:

Eskisehir................................................... 1,500

Diyarbakir................................................ 1,500


Borispol.................................................... 2,100

ANNEX B Information on sensors

Section I Technical information

1 —Pursuant to article iv, paragraph 10, each State Party shall inform all other States Parties of the applicable technical information listed in this section on each sensor installed on the observation aircraft designated by that State Party pursuant to article v of the Treaty.

2 — The following technical information shall be provided for optical panoramic and framing cameras:

A) Type and model;

B) Field of view along and across the flight path, or scan angles, in degrees;

C) Frame size, in millimetres by millimetres;

D) Exposure times, in seconds;

E) Types and colours of optical filters used and their filter factor;

F) For each lens:

1) Name;

2) Focal length, in millimetres;

3) Maximum relative aperture of the lens;

4) Resolving power at a contrast ratio of 1000 to 1 or the equivalent modulation of 1.0, at the maximum relative aperture, in lines per millimetre;

G) Minimum and maximum photographic time intervals, in seconds, or cycle rates, in frames per second, if applicable;

. H) Maximum velocity over height ratio, if applicable;

I) For optical framing cameras, the maximum angle measured from the horizontal, or the minimum angle measured from the vertical, in degrees; and

J) Maximum altitude for operation in metres, if applicable.

3 — The following technical information shall be provided for video cameras:

A) Type and model;

B) Field of view, along and across the flight path, in degrees;

Q For the lens:

1) Focal length, in millimetres;

2) Maximum relative aperture;

3) Resolving power at a contrast ratio of 1000 to 1 or the equivalent modulation of 1.0, at the maximum relative aperture, in lines per millimetre;

D) Detector element size, in micrometres, or equivalent information on the tube;

E) Number of detector elements;

F) System light sensitivity, in lux or watts per square centimetre; and

G) Spectral bandwidth, in nanometres.

4 — The following technical information shall be provided for infra-red line-scanning devices:

A) Type and model;

B) Field of view or scan angles, in degrees; .

Q Minimum instantaneous field of view, along and across the flight path, in milliradians;

D) Spectral bandwidth, in micrometres;

E) Minimum resolvable temperature difference, in degrees Celsius;

F) Temperature of detector during operation, in degrees Celsius;

G) Time required from switch-on, for the system to start up and cool down to its normal operating, temperature, in minutes;

H) Maximum operating time, inapplicable; I) Maximum velocity over height ratio; and

J) Maximum altitude for operation in metres, if applicable.

5 — The following technical information shall be provided for sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar:

A) Type and model;

B) Radar frequency bands, and specific operating frequency, in megahertz;

Q Polarisations;

D) Number of radar pulses, per metre or second;

E) Near range angular limitof operation, in degrees from vertical;

F) Swath width, in kilometres;

G) Ground resolution in range and azimuth, in the slant plane, in metres;

H) Maximum altitude for operation in metres, if applicable; and

T) Transmitter output power, in watts.

6 — The following technical information shall be provided for sensors that record data on photographic film:

A) The types of film that may be used, with each sensor;

B) Width of film, in millimetres; ;

O Film resolution at a contrast ratio Of 1000 to 1 or the equivalent modulation of 1.0, in lines per millimetre; and

D) Capacity of magazine for each type of film, in metres. "

7—The following technical information shall be provided for sensors that record data on other recording media:

A) Type and model of the data recording equipment;

B) Type and format of data recording media; O Bandwidth, in hertz, if applicable;