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22 DE JULHO DE 1994


4) «IRLS» — infra-red line-scanning device; or

5) «SAR» — sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar;

B) A group of two characters to represent the type of the recording medium in accordance with the following convention:

1) «BI» — black and white, iso-panchro-matic;

2) «BM» — black and white, monochromatic;

3) «BP» — black and white, panchromatic;

4) «BR» — black and white, reversal;

5) «TA» — tape, analogue; or

6) «TD» — tape, digital.


3 — The sensor configuration shall be indicated by a single block of up to nine alphanumeric characters comprising three groups in accordance with the following convention:

A) A group of four alphanumeric characters to represent the'installation of the sensor on the observation aircraft either as:

1) An internal installation, which shall be denoted by the code «INT», followed by a number to indicate the relative location of the installation of the sensor on the observation aircraft in sequence from nose to tail of the observation aircraft; or

2) A podded installation, which shall be denoted by the code «POD», followed by one of the following, three letters:

a) «L» — mounted under left wing;

b) «R» — mounted'under right wing;

or , . ,

c) «C» ;—mounted on the aircraft centre line;

B) A group of up to.three alphanumeric characters to represent the type of installation in accordance with the following convention:

1) A vertical installation in which the sensor is not tilted more than five degrees from the vertical shall be denoted by the letter «V»; '

2) An oblique installation in which me sen-' sor is tilted more than five degrees from die vertical shall be denoted by one of the following two letters, followed by the depression angle in degrees:

a) «L» — left pointing;

b) «R» — right pointing;

3) A fan installation of two or more sensors shall be denoted by the letter «F»;

C) For a fan installation, a group of up to two numbers to indicate the number and position of the sensors as follows:

.1) The first number to indicate the total number of sensors in that installation; and

'•". 2) The second number to indicate the individual sensor position, in sequence from left to right relative to the direction of flight of the observation aircraft.

4 — The focal length of a lens shall be provided in millimetres.

5 — The date and time shall be provided to die nearest minute of co-ordinated universal time.

6 — The average height above ground level of the observation aircraft shall be denoted by a five-digit number, followed by a code to represent the units of measurement in either feet, by the letter «F», or metres, by the letter «M». •

7 -^The latitude and longitude of the location of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees to the nearest one-hundredth of a degree, in the format «dd.dd (N or S) ddd.dd (E or W)», or in degrees and minutes to the nearest minute, in trie format «dd mm (N or S) ddd mm (E or W)».

8 — The true heading of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees to the nearest degree.

9"—The roll angle of the observation aircraft shall be provided iii degrees followed by a code to indicate whether the roll is to the left, by the letter «L», or to the right, by the letter «R».

10—-The pitch angle of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees followed by a code to indicate whether the pitch is up, by the letter «U», or down, by the letter «D», relative to the horizontal.

11 — The drift angle of the observation aircraft shall be provided in degrees followed by a code to indicate whether the drift is to the left, by the letter «L», or to the right, by" the letter «R», relative to the flight path of the observation aircraft.

12 — The groundspeed of the observation aircraft shall be denoted by a three-digit number followed by a two-letter code to indicate the units of measurement in either nautical miles, by the letters «NM», or kilometres, by the letters «KM», per hour.

13 — The nearest point of the swath width shall be provided in kilometres.

14 — The look down angle shall be provided in degrees measured from the vertical.

15 — The swath width shall be provided in kilometres.

16 — For photographic film, each magazine used during an observation flight from the same sensor shall be numbered in sequence starting from one. Each frame on die original film negative exposed by each sensor shall be individually numbered in sequence, from the first frame to the last frame of that magazine of that sensor. In each case when the film is numbered using one or two numbers per frame, a single frame shall be defined without ambiguity by specifying either the number closest to the centre of the frame, or, in the event that the numbers are equidistant from the centre, the smaller whole number.


Information on observation aircraft

Pursuant to the provisions of article v, paragraph 2, of the Treaty, States Parties, when designating aircraft as