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22 DE JULHO DE 1994


conducting the certification shall conduct one in-flight examination of its sensors which shall be sufficient to:

A) Permit observation of the operation of all the sensors installed on the observation aircraft;

B) In the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, establish the minimum height above ground level from which each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model shall be operated for any observation flight, in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in article tv, paragraph 2, of die Treaty; and

C) In the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is not dependent upon height above ground level, estalish the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model is in accordance with the limitation on ground resolution specified in article rv, paragraph 2, of the Treaty. -

2 — Prior to the commencement of the in-flight examination of the sensors, the State Party conducting the certification shall brief the States Parties participating in the certification on its plan for the conduct of the in-flight examination. This briefing shall include the following information:

A) A diagram of the calibration targets that it intends to use for the in-flight examination in accordance with the provisions of appendix 1, section i, paragraph 5, to this annex;

B) The estimated time, meteorological conditions, number, direction and height above ground level of each pass over the calibration target appropriate to each sensor to be certified; and . ' .'

Q All necessary safety precautions that shall be observed during the in-flight examination of the observation aircraft and its sensors.

3 — Prior to and during the conduct of the in-flight examination, States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to visit the location of die calibration targets. The State Party conducting the certification shall provide such items of equipment as required to confirm that the calibration targets meet the specifications set forth in appendix 1, section i, to this annex.

4 — The in-flight examination shall be conducted during clear atmospheric daytime conditions, unless otherwise agreed, over the calibration targets appropriate to each category of sensor installed on the observation aircraft in accordance with the provisions of appendix 1, section n, to this annex, to determine the ground resolution of each sensor.

5 — The State Party conducting the certification shall provide such data on the meteorological conditions at the location of the calibration targets during the in-flight examination of the sensors as are necessary to make the calculations in accordance with the methodologies specified in appendix 1, section m, to this annex.

6 — Each State Party shall have the right to designate personnel to take part in the in-flight examination. In the event that the number of individuals so designated exceeds the passenger capacity of the observation aircraft, the States Parties participating in the certification shall agree which of its personnel shall participate in the in-flight examination.

7 — Personnel of the States Parties designated pursuant to paragraph 6 of this section shall have the right to observe the operation of the sensors by personnel of the State Party conducting the certification.

8 —Personnel of the States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to monitor the unsealing of the film cassette and the storage, processing and handling of the original film negative exposed during the in-flight examination, in accordance with the provisions of annex K, section u, to the Treaty.

Section rv Certification report

1 —- Upon completion of the ground and in-flight examination's, data collected by sensors and from the calibration targets shall be examined jointly by the State Party conducting thé certification and the States Parties taking part in the certification. These States Parties shall prepare a certification report which shall establish:

A) That the observation aircraft is of a type and model designated pursuant to article v of the Treaty;

B) That the sensors installed on the observation aircraft are of a category provided for in article rv, paragraph 1, of the Treaty and satisfy the

. requirements of article iv, paragraph 2, of the " .; Treaty;

Q That the technical information on sensors has been provided in accordance with annex B, section i, to the Treaty; D) In the event that the ground resolution of a sensor is dependent upon height above ground level, the minimum height above ground level at which ' each such sensor on an observation aircraft of that type and model may be operated during an observation flight pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in article rv, paragraph 2, of die Treaty; - E) In the event that the ground resolution is not . .. dependent' upon height above ground level, the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation, aircraft of that type and model, - pursuant to the limitations on ground resolution specified in article iv, paragraph 2, of the Treaty; and

F) That the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in accordance with the provisions of article rv, paragraph 4, of the Treaty.

2 — A copy of the information for each sensor provided pursuant to section t, paragraph 6, and section n, paragraphs 3' and 8, of this annex shall be attached to the certification report.

3 —Copies of the certification report shall be provided to all other States Parties by the State Party conducting die certification. States Parties that did not take part in the certification shall not have the right to reject the conclusions contained in the certification report.

4 — An observation aircraft and its associated set of sensors shall be deemed to be certified unless the States Parties taking part in the certification are unable to reach agreement on the contents of the certification report.