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D) Data recording rate, in megabits per second, if applicable;

E) Capacity of recording media, in minutes or megabits; and

F) Format for storage of data collected by sensors and data annotation.

Section JJ Annotation of data

1 — The following items of information shall be annotated on data collected by sensors during an observation period on the leader of each roll of the original film negative or at the beginning of each other recording medium in accordance with the provisions of appendix 1 to this annex:

A) Observation flight reference number;

B) Date of observation flight; O Sensor description;

D) Sensor configuration; and

E) Focal length, if applicable.

2 — The following items of information shall be recorded manually or electronically from the navigation and avionics systems of the observation aircraft and annotated on data collected by sensors during an observation period in a manner that does not obscure detail, in accordance with the provisions of appendix 1 to this annex:

A) For optical cameras:

1) At the start of the observation period and at any intermediate location during the observation period where there is a significant change of height above ground level, heading or grpundspeed, and at intervals to be determined by the Open Skies Consultative Commission within the period of provisional application:

a) Height above ground level;

b) Location;

c) True heading; and

d) Scan angle;

2) On every frame of photographic film:

a) Frame number;

b) Time; and

c) Roll angle;

B) For video cameras and infra-red line-scanning devices, at the start of the observation period and at any intermediate location during the observation period where there is a significant change of height above ground level, heading or groundspeed, and at intervals to be determined by the Open Skies Consultative Commission within the period of provisional application:

1) Date and time;

2) Height above ground level;

3) Location;

4) True heading; and

5) Scan angle;

■C) For sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar:

1) At the start of the observation period and at any intermediate location during the observation period where there is a significant change of height above ground level, heading or groundspeed, and at intervals to be determined by the Open Skies Consultative Commission within the period of provisional application:

a) Date and time;

b) Height above ground level;

c) Location;

d) True heading;

e) Look down angle to the nearest point of the swath width;

f) Swath width; and

g) Polarisations;

2) Each time they are measured in order to ensure correct processing of the image:

a) Groundspeed;

• b) Drift;

c) Pitch angle; and

d) Roll angle.

3 — For copies of single frames or strips of imagery produced from the original film negative or other recording media, the items of information listed in paragraphs 1 arid 2 of this section shall be annotated on each positive print.

4 —-States Parties shall have the right to annotate data collected during an observation flight using either alphanumeric values, or codes to be agreed by the Open Skies Consultative Commission during the period of provisional application.

APPENDIX I TO ANNEX B Annotation of data collected (luring an observation flight

1 — The reference number of the observation flight shall be indicated by a single group of six alphanumeric characters in accordance with the following convention:

A) The letters «OS»;

B) The last digit of the calendar year for which the individual active quota applies; and

"'• C)' A three-digit number to represent each individual observation flight comprising the active quota distributed during the annual review within the framework of the Open Skies Consultative Commission for a calendar year to a State Party over the territory of another State Party,

2 — The sensor description shall be indicated by a single block of up to six alphanumeric characters comprising two groups in accordance with the following convention:

A) A group of up to four characters to represent the category of the sensor in accordance with the following convention:

1) «OP» — optical panoramic camera;

2) '«OF» — optical framing camera;

3) «TV» — video camera;