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1 DE ABRIL DE 1995


For the Oovernment of the Republic of Turkey:

ANNEX I Routes

1 — Routes to be operated in both directions by the airlines designated by the Oovernment of the Republic of Turkey:

Points in Turkey — 2 intermediate points to be mutually agreed on — Lisbon and/or another point in Portugal — points beyond to be mutually agreed later on.

2 — Routes to be operated in both directions by the airlines designated by the Government of the Republic of Portugal:

Points in Portugal — 2 intermediate points to be mutually agreed on — Istanbul and/or another point in Turkey — points beyond to be mutually agreed later on.

3 — To operate the services defined in paragraph 1, the airline designated by the Government of Turkey shall have the right:

a) To put down in Portugal international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail taken on in the territory of Turkey;

b) To take on in Portugal international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail destined for the territory of Turkey.

4 — To operate the services referred to in paragraph 2, the airline designated by the Government of the Republic of Portugal shall have the right:

a) To put down in Turkey international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail taken on in the territory of Portugal;

b) To take on in Turkey international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail destined for the territory of Portugal.

5 — The designated airlines of both Contracting Parties may omit calling at any of the above-mentioned points provided that point in Turkey and Portugal are not so omitted. Inclusion or omission of such points shall be announced to the public in due time.

6 — The designated airlines of either Contracting Party may use one or several intermediate point and/or points beyond, to be agreed on, on the above specified routes, and shall have the right to carry traffic in passengers, cargo and mail between that Contracting Party's own territory and such points.

7 — The designated airlines of either Contracting Party may have the right to take on or put down in the territory of the other Contracting Party international traffic in passengers, cargo and mail destined, for or originated at intermediate points and points

beyond on the routes specified above, subject to agreement to be established between the designated airlines and approved by the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.

ANNEX II Approval of flight schedules

The flight schedules of the agreed services and in general the conditions of their operation shall be submitted by the designated airline of one Contracting Party to the approval of the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party at least 30 days before the intended date of their implementation. Any modification to such flight schedules or conditions of their operation shall also be submitted to the aeronautical authorities for approval. In special cases, the above set time limit may be reduced, subject to the agreement of the said authorities.







Parecer da Comissão de Assuntos Constitucionais, Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias

Na sequência de requerimento do Sr. Deputado Martins Goulart relativo à proposta de lei n.° 118/VI — Aprova a Lei de Bases do Desenvolvimento Agrário, e aos projectos de lei n.M 493/VI (PCP) — Lei de bases da política agrária e 503/VI (PS) — Lei quadro do desenvolvimento rural e agrícola, entendeu S. Ex.a o Presidente da Assembleia da República, por despacho de 24 de Março de 1995, comunicado a esta Comissão em 27 de Março de 1995, solicitar parecer a emitir antes de 30 do corrente, data prevista para a votação na generalidade dos citados diplomas.

O requerimento em causa levanta duas questões distintas — a da consulta dos órgãos de Governo próprio das Regiões Autónomas (n.° 2 do artigo 231.° da Constituição da República Portuguesa e artigo 151." do Regimento) e a da baixa dos diplomas à respectiva Comissão sem votação para permitir aquela consulta.

Por razões da ausência da mesa da Comissão e de outros Deputados em missão parlamentar no estrangeiro e dada a escassez de tempo, não se afigurou viável emitir, atempadamente, o parecer solicitado por S. Ex."

Consultado o plenário da Comissão e depois de troca de impressões com o Sr. Presidente da Comissão de Agricultura e Mar, cumpre-me transmitir a S. Ex.a o seguinte:

A previsão constitucional de consulta às Regiões Autónomas visa impedir que sejam aprovados como lei