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postos sobre o Rendimento e o Património da Organização de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económicos e das directrizes que venham a ser adoptadas no futuro pela referida Organização, com vista à aplicação desse termo.

14 — Ad artigo 28.°, «Troca de informações». — Entende-se que as informações que, podem ser trocadas incluem as informações.constantes de registos de instituições financeiras, incluindo os registos respeitantes a terceiros que são partes em transacções com o(s) contribuinte(s), e os registos respeitantes às pessoas referidas no n.° 6 do artigo 17.°, «Limitação de benefícios», e que as referidas informações são prestadas nas mesmas condições previstas pela legislação nacional do Estado Contratante a quem as informações são solicitadas. Entende-se ainda que as autoridades fiscais competentes têm poderes para solicitar e prestar assistência na obtenção dos registos mencionados, em conformidade com os pedidos efectuados pelo outro Estado Contratante ho termos do disposto no artigo 28.° e no período anterior deste número.

Pela República Portuguesa:

O Embaixador de Portugal, Francisco Knopfli.

Pelos Estados Unidos da América:

O Deputy Assistam Secretary of State, John Komblum.


The Government of the Portuguese Republic and the Government of me United States of America, desiring to conclude a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Personal scope

This Convention shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States, except as otherwise provided in the Convention.

Article 2 Taxes covered

1 — The existing taxes to which this Convention shall apply are:

a) In Portugal:

i) Personal income tax (imposto sobre o rendimento das pessoas singulares — IRS);

»0 Corporate income tax (imposto sobre o rendimento das pessoas colectivas — IRC); and

Hi) Local, surtax on corporate income tax (derrama);

b) In the United States: -

0 The Federal income taxes imposed by the Internal Revenue Code (but excluding social security contributions); and ii) The excise tax with respect to the investment income of private foundations under section 4940 of the Internal Revenue Code, as it may be amended from time to time without changing the general principle thereof;

(hereinafter referred to as «United States tax»).

2 — The Convention shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of the Convention in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. The competent authorities of the Contracting State shall notify each other of any significant changes that have been made in their respective taxation laws and of any official published material concerning the application of the Convention. •

Article 3 General definitions

1 — For die purpose of this Convention, unless die context otherwise requires:

a) The terms «a Contracting State» and «the other Contracting State» mean Portugal or the United States as the context requires;

b) The term «P6rtugal» means the territory of die Portuguese Republic situated in the European Continent, the archipelagoes of Azores and Madeira, the respective territorial sea and any other zone in which, in accordance with the laws of Portugal and international law, the Portuguese Republic has sovereign rights with respect to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources of die seabed and subsoil, and of the superjacent waters;

c) The term «United States» means die United States of America and, when used'geographically, means the States thereof, the District of Columbia, the territorial sea adjacent to those States, and any other zone adjacent thereto in which, in accordance v/uh the laws of the United States and international law, the United States has sovereign rights with respect to die exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of the seabed and subsoil, and of the superjacent waters;

d) The term «person» includes but is not limited to an individual, a company, and other body of persons;

e) The term «company» means any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes;

f) The terms «enterprise of a Contracting State» and «enterprjse of the other Contracting State» mean, respectively, an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting State and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting State;

g) The term «national» means:

0 Any individual possessing the nationality of a Contracting State;" and

¿0 Any legal person, association, or other entity deriving its status as such from the laws in force in a Contracting State;

(hereinafter referred to as «Portuguese tax»);