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Contracting Parties, the substance of which arises under an agreement that:

a) Has been notified in accordance with and meets the other requirements of subparagraph 2), b), and annex TFU; or

b) Establishes a free-trade area or a customs union as described in article xxrv of the GATT.

Article 30

Developments in International trading arrangements

Contracting Parties undertake that in the light of the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations embodied principally in the Final Act thereof done at Marrakesh, 15 April 1994, they will commence consideration not later than 1 July 1995 or the entry into force of this Treaty, whichever is the later, of appropriate amendments to this Treaty with a view to the adoption of any such amendments by the Charter Conference.

Article 31 Energy-related equipment

The provisional Charter Conference shall at its first meeting commence examination of the inclusion of energy-related equipment in the trade provisions of this Treaty.

Article 32 Transitional arrangements

1) In recognition of the need for time to adapt to the requirements of a market economy, a Contracting Party listed in annex T may temporarily suspend full compliance with its obligations under one or more of the following provisions of this Treaty, subject to the conditions in paragraphs 3) to 6):

Article 6, 2) and 5); Article 7, 4); Article 9, 1);

Article 10, 7) — specific measures;

Article 14, 1), d) — related only to transfer of unspent

earnings; Article 20, 3); Article 22, 1) and 3).

2) Other Contracting Parties shall assist any Contracting-Party which has suspended full compliance under paragraph 1) to achieve the conditions under which such suspension can be terminated. This assistance may be given in whatever form the other Contracting Parties consider most effective to respond to the needs notified under subparagraph 4), c) including, where appropriate, through bilateral or multilateral arrangements.

3) The applicable provisions, the stages towards full implementation of each, the measures to be taken and the date or, exceptionally, contingent event, by which each stage shall be completed and measure taken are listed in annex T for each Contracting Party claiming transitional arrangements. Each such Contracting Party shall take the measure listed by the date indicated for the relevant provision and stage as set out in annex T. Contracting Parties which have temporarily suspended full compliance

under paragraph 1) undertake to comply fully with the

relevant obligations by 1 July 2001. Should a Contracting Party find it necessary, due to exceptional circumstances, to request that the period of such temporary suspension be extended or that any further temporary suspension not previously listed in annex T be introduced, the decision on a request to amend annex T shall be made by the Charter Conference.

4) A Contracting Party which has invoked transitional arrangements shall notify the Secretariat no less often than once every 12 months:

a) Of the implementation of any measures listed in its annex T and of its general progress to full compliance;

b) Of the progress it expects to make during the next 12 months towards full compliance with its obligations, of any problem it foresees and of its proposals for dealing with that problem;

c) Of the need for technical assistance to facilitate completion of the stages set out in annex T as necessary for the full implementation of this Treaty, or to deal with any problem notified pursuant to subparagraph b) as well as to promote other necessary market-oriented reforms and modernization of its energy sector;

d) Of any possible need to make a request of die kind referred to in paragraph 3).

5) The Secretariat shall:

a) Circulate to all Contracting Parties the notifications referred to in paragraph 4);

b) Circulate and actively promote, relying where appropriate on arrangements existing within other international organizations, the matching of needs for and offers of technical assistance referred to in paragraph 2) and subparagraph 4), c);

c) Circulate to all Contracting Parties at the end of each six month period a summary of any notifications made under subparagraph 4, d) or d).

6) The Charter Conference shall annually review the progress by Contracting Parties towards implementation or" the provisions of this article and the matching of needs and offers of technical assistance referred to in paragraph 2) and subparagraph 4), c). In the course'of that review it may decide to take appropriate action.

PART VT1 Structure and institutions

Article 33 Energy Charter protocols and declarations

1) The Charter Conference may authorize the negotiation of a number of Energy Charter protocols or declarations in order to pursue the objectives and principles of the Charter.

2) Any signatory to the Charter may participate in such negotiation.

3) A state or regional economic integration organization shall not become a party to a protocol or declaration unless it is, or becomes at the same time, a signatory to the Charter and a Contracting Party to this Treaty.