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party to the dispute or one of the other Contracting Parties concerned;

c) The conciliator shall seek the agreement of the parties to the dispute to a resolution thereof or upon a procedure to achieve such resolution. If

within 90 days of his appointment he has failed to secure such agreement, he shall recommend a resolution to the dispute or a procedure to achieve such resolution and shall decide the interim tariffs and other terms and conditions to be observed for transit from a date which he shall specify until the dispute is resolved;

d) The Contracting Parties undertake to observe and ensure that the entities under their control or jurisdiction observe any interim decision under subparagraph c) on tariffs, terms and conditions for 12 months following the conciliator's decision or until resolution of the dispute, whichever is earlier;

e) Notwithstanding subparagraph b) the Secretary-General may elect not to appoint a conciliator if in his judgement the dispute concerns transit that is or has been the subject of the dispute resolution procedures set out in subparagraphs a) to d) and those proceedings have not resulted in a resolution of the dispute;

f) The Charter Conference shall adopt standard provisions concerning the conduct of conciliation and the compensation of conciliators.

8) Nothing in this article shall derogate from a Contracting Party's rights and obligations under international law including customary international law, existing bilateral or multilateral agreements, including rules concerning submarine cables and pipelines.

9) This article shall not be so interpreted as to oblige any Contracting Party which does not have a certain type of energy transport facilities used for transit to take any measure under this article with respect to that type of energy transport facilities. Such a Contracting Party is, however, obliged to comply with paragraph 4).

10) For the purposes of this article:

a) «Transit» means:

i) The carriage through the area of a Contracting Party, or to or from port facilities in its area for loading or unloading, of energy materials and products originating in the area of another state and destined for the area of a third state, so long as either the other state or the third state is a Contracting Party; or if) The carriage through the area of a Contracting Party of energy materials and products originating in the area of another Contracting Party and destined for the area of that other Contracting Party, unless the two Contracting Parties concerned decide otherwise and record their decision by a joint entry in annex N. The two Contracting Parties may delete their listing in annex N by delivering a joint written notification of their intentions to the Secretariat, which shall transmit that notification to all other Contracting Parties. The deletion shall take effect four weeks after such former notification;

b) «Energy transport facilities» consist of high-pres-'sure gas transmission pipelines, high-voltage electricity transmission grids and lines, crude oil transmission pipelines, coal slurry pipelines, oil products pipelines, and other fixed facilities specifically for handling energy materials and products.

Article 8 Transfer of technology

1) The Contracting Parties agree to promote access to and transfer of energy technology on a commercial and non-discriminatory basis to assist effective trade in energy materials and products and investment and to implement the objectives of the Charter subject to their laws and regulations, and to the protection of intellectual property rights.

2) Accordingly, to the extent necessary to give effect to paragraph 1) the Contracting Parties shall eliminate existing and create no new obstacles to the transfer of technology in die field of energy materials and products and related equipment and services, subject to non-proliferation and other international obligations.

Article 9 Acess to capital

1) The Contracting Parties acknowledge the importance of open capital markets in encouraging the flow of capital to finance trade in energy materials and products and for the making of and assisting with regard to investments in economic activity in the energy sector in the areas of other Contracting Parties, particularly those with economies in transition. Each Contracting Party shall accordingly endeavour to promote conditions for access to its capital market by companies and nationals of other Contracting Parties, for the purpose of financing trade m» energy materials and products and for the purpose of investment in economic activity in the energy sector in the areas of those other Contracting Parties, on a basis no less favourable than that which it accords in like circumstances to its own companies and nationals or companies at\d nationals of any other Contracting Party or any third state, whichever is the most favourable.

2) A Contracting Party may adopt and maintain programmes providing for access to public loans, grants, guarantees or insurance for facilitating trade or investment abroad. It shall make such facilities available, consistent with the objectives, constraints and criteria of such programmes (including any objectives, constraints or criteria relating to the place of business of an applicant for any such facility or the place of delivery of goods or services supplied with support of any such facility) for investments in the economic activity in the energy sector of other Contracting Parties or for financing trade in energy materials and products with other Contracting Parties.

3) Contracting Parties shall, in implementing programmes in economic activity in the energy sector to improve the economic stability and investment climates of the Contracting Parties, seek as appropriate to encourage the operations and take advantage of the expertise of relevant internacional financial institutions.